The Chris Low Obscure Punk Tape Post…

The Apostles / Primal Chaos / Black Flag / The Heretics

Man about town, obscure punk enthusiast and general good guy, Chris Low late of Political Asylum, The Apostles, Oi Polloi, in the 1980’s and The Parkinsons in 1990’s, handed this tape to me on his birthday along with a load of others. I have uploaded this late because it is unfortunately been dubbed / copied onto tape by horrid mono means, i.e it only comes out of one speaker…bummer! Two other tapes Conflict at Brixton Ace 1982 supplied by Mark ‘Vegas’ Palmer starts off stereo then clicks into mono. Sadly to say Lugworm supplied a cassette tape recorded from Spaceward Studios of The Mobs LP recorded there. Not interested in The Mob LP as such but there is an alternative mix of ‘Stay’ which I was absolutely interested in. This track also plays on one speaker. Point of fact – nothing wrong with my cassette playback system!

Any how, I do not like putting up faulty or mono cassettes onto this site, but this has to be an exception because of the rarity value. The Apostles, Primal Chaos, Black Flag, and The Heretics all for the price of…well nothing. Not sure of the history of the tape, no doubt Chris will comment on it. Not sure of the line up, track listing or anything else. Again I hope Chris or his chum Nic will comment. On the B-Side of the tape is a Flux live gig and a Napalm Death practice. All I the info I got what was written on the tape itself, just band names basically. I actually have not heard this tape yet cos wifey needed me to do something so I just let it play…hope Bucks Fizz does not come on half way through the recordings!

Info from Nic:

The Apostles:
Pete The Plectrum (later formed part of ‘The Hunt’ on the first LP)
Some Men Are Born To Rule (the first song the group ever wrote)
? (This isn’t from this time period if I remember correctly – it features the drum machine: is it ‘The Island’, Chris?)
Solidaridad Proletaria (This is the original title at the time of recording: it was later changed to ‘A New World In Our Hearts’ and was re-recorded on both tape and vinyl)
Killing for Peace
Proletarian Autonomy (later re-recorded on tape and vinyl)
Time Bomb
Stoke Newington 8 (later re-recorded on tape and vinyl)

Primal Chaos – Rehearsal 1982:
Systems Slave (This isn’t part of their ‘Fighting for a Future’ rehearsal tape)

Black Flag – Rehearsal 1981:
The Master Race   (Earliest version of this song that I heard)
Waiting for the All Clear (later recorded by The Apostles, but this version features Matt Mcleod on vocals

The Heretics – Rehearsal 1980:
No Character

Jake from Heretics on stage with Iggs of Crass 1979

The Heretics

  1. Sam
    August 14, 2009 at 7:37 am

    “Penguin Says:

    May 8th, 2008 at 6:10 pm
    A while ago I was going to upload the first Skrewdriver LP, which is actually pretty good, but like you Sam, thought that what they became afterwards would not sit comfortably on the KYPP site, and so I did not bother”

    There’s been links to bonehead photos and all sorts. Let’s have it Mr P. Wasn’t it pressed to be played at 45rpm?

  2. Penguin
    Penguin • Post Author •
    August 14, 2009 at 12:34 pm

    I don’t think this KYPP site would welcome every psychotic nazi skinhead from the western world with an access to a computer and a google search engine commenting on the Screwdriver LP that I own if I got to upload it onto the site Sam!
    Sorry old bean…I think I will just play it in private now and again…
    Yes Sam, 45 rpm…

  3. Ian S
    Ian S
    August 15, 2009 at 1:58 pm

    Kerr Ray Z. Fokker: Thanks for the heads-up on Robert Thurston Hopkins. I collect old books on London life and have just ordered that from Abebooks.

  4. baron von zubb
    baron von zubb
    August 21, 2009 at 7:25 pm

    I know the firms were fucking nasty bastards and were responsible for lots of shite but a right wing political threat they were not.
    It took something else added to the mix for that to happen.
    And that is what A F A ( and others in southall and chapeltown etc) helped defeat, erm, I M O
    Hope the one whos in hospital dies a slow & violent death and that i get to meet him on the other side.
    Anyway Mr P is Devon Irons ‘Obidiya’ on the site anywhere. I only got the version with all the crap toasting added on.
    Hope all are fab in KYPP land.
    And oh yeah 7 6 2

  5. Kerr Ray Z. Fokker
    Kerr Ray Z. Fokker
    August 23, 2009 at 12:59 pm

    Most of that generation are dead anyway. And we will be too, eventually, along with our own equally misguided prejudices and irrationalities. Hopefully, the coming generations will be a little more creative. And a little less hostile to change. Living in 21st century multi-culti London, occasional nostalgic interludes aside, is a very positive experience for me personally. Wouldn’t or couldn’t live anywhere else.

    @ Ian S.

    ‘Banker Tells All’ by the aforementioned Mr Hopkins is a charming and very amusing book. Add that to your list too, if you can find a copy. More London musings from RTH plus a bizarre story involving uber-prankster and gambler William Horace Cole.

  6. Ian S
    Ian S
    August 29, 2009 at 9:42 am

    ‘This London’ came in the post a few days ago. Hopkins really is a good writer, very friendly and engaging style. There’s some great descriptions in the book, particularly of Limehouse.

    So many thanks for that recommendation, Kerr Ray Z Fokker.

    If you haven’t read it already, then Ned Ward’s ‘The London Spy’ is worth hunting out. It was originally written by Ward in 1698-1700. He ran a pub and was also one of the Grub Street journalists of the time. Ward’s London is like a riot in a cesspit where everyone is on the make. Some of the jokes still work too. It was reprinted in the 1950s.

    Not to be confused with Hunter Davies’s ‘The New London Spy’ written in the 1960s (also worth getting).

  7. Jah Pork Shheeewwwellll
    Jah Pork Shheeewwwellll
    September 3, 2009 at 2:23 pm

    I got a notification in my email about a comment on here from someone complaining about ther TV series “One Tree Hill”. And now it’s not here anywhere.

    What’s going on: censorship or absurdist/Dadaist/nihilist virtual art non-installation?

    I love the idea of art simply consisting of an online ad campaign for a piece of art which doesn’t exist! As C programmers and fans of Magritte among us might think: “Ceci n’est pas une ‘named pipe'” 🙂

  8. alistairliv
    September 3, 2009 at 6:08 pm

    Perhaps it was a misprint for ‘No Tree Hill’ ?

  9. Jah Pork Pie
    Jah Pork Pie
    December 18, 2009 at 4:38 am

    Dunno if you’ve all been keeping up with the Gary Critchley thing on the other thread? All this malarkey on here seems a little pointless to me in comparison so I’ll just wish you all a good Holiday and stick me head back under the wavetops of meaning and disappear into the flux. Kisses to y’all.

  10. Penguin
    Penguin • Post Author •
    January 28, 2010 at 1:33 am

    Does anyone out there recognise the man described below at all? His daughter wants to meet him for possibly the first time in over a quarter of a century.

    “My names Sian and I was born in north London in 1983.

    I believe you may have known (or know of someone that knows) my Dad.

    We have never met and I don’t think he even knows I exsist.

    I’m not going for any shock tactics. But I’m a 26 year old, with 2 kids, getting no joy from my Mother, as she was a 19yr old single mum. And as far as she’s concerned, she did her bit, so why should he get to meet me now?

    This is a real long shot, but I’ll describe him anyway and give the (very vague) details I’ve been able to gather:

    His name is Steve (maybe Steve Cooper), AKA Crazy or Strange. From Tufnell Park and would hang around Freightliner farm sometimes.

    He has a tattoo of a spider web covering his head, two swallows on his neck. Both arms covered in tattoos and he may have had “cut here” on his neck, which may had been covered.

    He had a pretty impressive Mohican too apparently.

    Sorry, it’s not much to go on. But if you’ve got any clue where he might be, or just put the word out, it would be much appreciated.

    Thanks in advance”,

    Sian J

  11. Chris L
    Chris L
    April 3, 2010 at 2:27 am

    FAO Penguin, Dan Mac, Niccy Nakky Napalm etc – back In Scotland for a couple of weeks but thought you’d be pleased to know I have now unearthed a number of the first tapes Andy ever sent me, including hitherto unposted recordings by The Apostles, Flack, The Black Cross, Witchhunt, Libertarian Youth, LOOSD and the full Alien Kulture Demo. Will get them to you when i’m back in London 🙂

  12. Penguin
    Penguin • Post Author •
    April 3, 2010 at 9:19 am

    Great news Chris…!

  13. Sam
    April 5, 2010 at 8:59 am

    Just stayed up til 4.00am re-reading this. Very enjoyable.

  14. Kerr Ray Z. Fokker
    Kerr Ray Z. Fokker
    April 15, 2010 at 9:30 am

    Yep, a good read.

    Mr Pork’s “statistical blip” comment is so unbelievably true. Was talking to a mate about this the other day. Where did Gen X come from? They bore absolutely no resemblance to the generation before or after. All the human rottweilers I grew up with may have had troubled home lives but their parents were usually well-mannered and polite, and content with their lot.

    Was recently looking at films of London and elsewhere in the mid to late 1930s; the place was already becoming gentrified at a rapid pace. Loads of working class moving into the suburbs, driving their cars up and down tree-lined avenues. If it hadn’t been for the war and the thirty odd years of ersatz austerity that followed we would have Tony Blair by the late 1940s. (Most of old London wasn’t destroyed by the Luftwaffe but by town planners in the 20s and 30s making a fast buck). That pre-war generation was already a cafe latte drinking media-obsessed pseudo-intelligentsia in embryo. It took two years of serious military defeats and disasters to transform them from suburban boiled egg people into real soldiers. God alone knows what a shock it must have been for them to come across psychopathic German and Japanese barrack room soldiers who had been drilled in militarism and hideous cruelty since the cradle. Poor fuckers were staring into another century through a gun barrel. No wonder all the old soldiers I knew hated the Germans and the Japs. It must have been the ultimate loss of innocence suddenly finding yourself knee-deep in ancient depravities, when all you wanted was to do a bit of gardening, put on the sunday roast and listen to the wireless, then maybe take the kids out for a drive. Or at least dream that such a thing was within your grasp.

    We were an utter anomaly, shit, we even had the Cold War back for a few years; arguably an even more paranoid version than the “duck and cover” module of the 1950s. The Russkis even damn near pulled the trigger in 1985 with Operation RYAN. What the hell was that all about? Five or six odd years of constant exposure to nuclear holocaust imagery (demos, murals, movies, media) and that palpable feeling (as described by Mr Pork in his Thames Barrier post) that we just minutes from the all-consuming inferno. And I thought I used thixofix because I was bored…

  15. baronvonzubb
    April 21, 2010 at 11:17 am

    and as simon – the bassist – said right at the beginning

    “aaghgh. thixofix, the malt of adhesives”

  16. Jah Pork Pie
    Jah Pork Pie
    May 17, 2010 at 1:20 pm

    …and Zoff was the triple-distilled bison grass vodka du jour

  17. Jah Pork Pie
    Jah Pork Pie
    May 17, 2010 at 1:25 pm

    @Kerr-> “Well-mannered and polite”, yes, but it was the deference that everyone was expected to give to those who were in charge for whatever reason (birth, bureaucracy, knuckle-headed aggression) that stuck in my craw. I just grew up believing I was everyone’s equal. And then punk came along and told me that I might well be right.

    I haven’t tugged my forelock since. Which is now a good thing as I haven’t got the barnet for it any more 🙂

  18. Jah Pork Pie
    Jah Pork Pie
    July 15, 2010 at 7:24 pm

    Any audio survive of Scarecrow playing the drums in Chaos, does anybody know?

  19. Jah Pork Pie
    Jah Pork Pie
    July 27, 2010 at 4:18 am

    (repost from Gary’s thread)

    All you guys: Circle Line Pub Crawl for Gary Critchley Fighting Fund…

    Saturday August 21st. Starts at the Wetherspoons Pub in Victoria Station. 10.00 in the morning. £20 to participate -buy a T-shirt for another tenner if you like. Beer should cost about fifty quid. Factor in food for another tenner or so (unless you’re particularly posh, in which case bring a butler, hamper and a rack of Waitrose organic marching powder for the rest of us).

    Continues around the Circle Line quite literally ad nauseam a half pint at a time until we get to Sloane Square around about 11pm, at which point anyone who is completely compost mentis (sic – check your “Jah Porg is quide liderally shit at Ladin, made” textbook) is welcome to pile down the King’s Road shouting at all the shops that used to be like magnets to us when we were children.

    I think that in between, we could have rather a good time. I’m planning to, anyway!

    Can I remind you all that it is only a half pint in each boozer. Everyone who does any of the pubs is making money for Gary if they get sponsored. Let’s face it, all your friends have an idea about how much you can drink. If that idea is three halves and you manage six, then we’re that much nearer to getting Gary a walk.

    Please, all of you guys who know me and are still in the UK, come along. If you can’t make it, then get in touch with Tony or Penguin and stick a few quid in (if you’re betting, my tip is Porky Boy to go a bit green around High Street Ken).

    Gary’s team need the money. He’s one of us. Don’t let the man down. Even if you’re not going to have a drink, please come along and support the day – dish out some flyers, talk in a sober way to some people who do’t know about Gary’s plight.

    Please come along, or sort out some way of sponsoring your favourite drunk per pub via Pengers or Tony if you really can’t make it. Don’t let us down: I’m risking a lower intestine for this

  20. Sam
    July 29, 2010 at 8:30 am

    3.14 am here in Virginia.

    Several Boddingtons and some tabs.

    I think everyone who knew her here has heard that Anna Ind just passed away in Spain. I wrote to Mike Clarke who had fond memories too.
    I tried to think of every memory I ever had of her tonight. I’d not been in touch for years but recently we wrote to each other on Facebook. She seemed happy and well. Although she’d outgrown punk when I knew her in 79, she still embodied all that was best about it. Took no shit from anyone, was always REAL and beautiful and fierce.

    Here’s to you.

  21. baronvonzubb
    September 30, 2010 at 4:11 pm

    For those who might wanna know,

    Wanks new spanish sprog.

    Ralphie Leon

    Right click on link and choose either ‘Open link in’ options to view.

    Nice comment above Sam.

  22. Sam
    October 17, 2010 at 6:39 am

    Wankstain…’old dad’. Bless.

  23. Kerr Ray Z. Fokker
    Kerr Ray Z. Fokker
    May 1, 2011 at 11:28 am

    “This is a nation with a National Front, a government, a monarchy, a fucking cunt!”

    As relevant today as it was then……..


  24. Sam
    September 6, 2011 at 12:38 am

    And cutting your own head off and making the fucking politicians wander about is still as relevant as it always was.

  25. '79HEATHAZE
    November 29, 2011 at 8:41 pm

    ‘Reminiscencing’ in AD2011…. -‘Googling’ and mixed feelings about sniffing ‘Zoff’ etc., & the billions of brain cells I’m assured I lost all those years ago brought me here…
    I’m glad to find that some of the people I once knew (Si, Sam & Jake) are alive & well; -I’m sorry to say that, way back, I turned my back on everything & everyone, -but, eventually, I had to look up everyone I’d ever known…
    And it broke my heart. -So many of them aren’t around anymore.

  26. Sam
    November 29, 2011 at 9:27 pm

    79HEATHAZE – please reveal your true identity?

  27. baronvonzubb
    December 29, 2011 at 7:57 pm

    Well it aint Simeon.
    He turned up at Tony Bs mums old place a couple of years ago when the family, Spider, Skelly etc were still living there.
    Spider said he’d been in LA for 20 years apparently, teaching yoga. Had hair down to his arse. Sounded cool. He never left a contact and never turned up again. Wouldve been good to see him.
    So come clean heat haze

  28. Kerr Ray Z. Fokker
    Kerr Ray Z. Fokker
    January 22, 2012 at 8:02 pm

    “Wank told a great one about being accosted in the garden by a dwarf. Not a ‘small person’ but an orc-like creature that spoke in a strange squeaky voice then ran away….”

    Everytime I come here I just have to read that bit again. There was always something dangerously outre and borderland about squatting in London at that time. For years I thought it was either the drugs, punctuated by almost ecstatic states of boredom or even the crazed millenarian politics. Now I realise it wasn’t any of that. Thank fuck, I never read John Keel’s paranoiac tomes at the time or I’d probably still be in the Maudsley humming nursery rhymes to myself.

    Yes, it was like something from Mr.Benn.

  29. Sam
    January 23, 2012 at 6:30 pm

    Actually he said it was a ‘goblin’. He swore it happened and he wasn’t on anything at the time. Who knows? Maybe Wank. Maybe not.

  30. Kerr Ray Z. Fokker
    Kerr Ray Z. Fokker
    January 23, 2012 at 9:08 pm

    I actually believe him, mate. There was a seriously fucking strange atmosphere in London squatterdom back then. I had a house for ten years, south of the river, and everybody who lived or stayed there had/has bizarre stories to tell. It wasn’t until recently it actually struck me how weird and wonderful a place it really was. And I could name a dozen more places in Brixton alone that I personally knew of with similar reputations.

    I have a theory that houses with a crazy reputation attract crazy people in order to mask their crazyness. A sort of psychogeographic plausible denial.

  31. Sam
    January 24, 2012 at 7:47 pm

    I know exactly what you mean. We lived in a place in Kilburn that I’ve talked to other people about in recent years that everyone agrees was in some way, evil. Lots of drugs and crime happening, but no more so than any other place. But the social dynamics were vicious and there was an atmosphere that pervaded everything. Jake lived upstairs and we discovered a weird attic-like space with icon-type paintings on the wall. Very strange.

  32. baronvonzubb
    January 29, 2012 at 8:02 am

    aye, 107 iverson rd, not sure if it was me living upstairs that made it evil 😉
    nah seriously, though dunno about other folks but as far as you were concerned, you were very wisely and far in advance of the rest of us, coming out of the smack and crime thing, at art school i think and generally not being such a twat as the rest of us were. So your mindset was on a different trajectory.
    maybe thats the memory of the social dynamic? (my worst time for that was a couple of years later, when wank & robbo were dealing & wouldnt let me in their fucking flat, the dickheads, so it just carried on, that one in, one out thing….)
    so it may well have appeared evil.
    for us it was the beginning of 2-3 years, in the case of wank and robbo, several more in the case of tony black and, well me, a decade more or less of ‘on & off’ but continued junkiedom, both in the UK and in asia.
    It was the beginning of a particular period and it was the winter and after the riots.
    all very depressing. we were still pretty angry at what we – or maybe only me naive as i was – thought was gonna be a huge, if not revolutionary change. that never happened.
    not sure if the place itself was evil.
    except for ‘short rude lesson’ waking me up to practice at the ungoodly hour of midday !!
    the next place we had, 18c lyminton was worse but it was summer, there were some ‘chicks’ about, who were new to the scene and thought we were cool junky types, and it all seemed a bit more’fun’.
    i only have vague memory of the wall icon type things. what were they of?
    youth eh? 🙂

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