Andy Martin 3rd EP session
I assume the ‘Ian S’ is Ian Slaughter? If so then ‘hello Ian’. Any comment here purporting to come from me I actually have to send via e-mail to Andus first because I am unable to contribute to sites like these for technological reasons. There have been 2 or 3 people sent out greetings to me on this site but they’ve not left their e-mail addresses so I couldn’t respond to them even if I wanted to. I only see excerpts from this site when Andus sends them to me – usually when there’s some stupid argument about who played what instrument in The Creeping Nobodies in 1983 and which audience member stole their glue bag etc. It’s bizarre reading comments by people discussing The Apostles when I had forgotten about all that crap by 1990. This doesn’t apply to you, Ian, but it’s such a pain having to use Andus to post these comments I’ll say it here as I’m hardly going to be a regular contributor to this thing. So, for the record: punk died in the 1980s. The 1980s are gone and they’re not coming back. Punk is dead and it’s not coming back. Instead of droning on and on about what you did in the 1980s and who hit who at this or that gig, why not concentrate on what’s happening NOW and THINK AHEAD! Just a thought.
In case anyone else out there wants to release Apostles stuff on vinyl or CD – fine but please ask Dave Fanning first, purely out of politeness and common courtesy. For myself, I think ALL the tracks we’ve ever released should be available as free downloads. If I had my way, UNIT would no longer release CDs – they waste natural resources anyway – but the artwork and music tracks would be issued purely as digital downloads FOR FREE since that way our music is no longer a part of the capitalist commodity exchange. Never mind about that hoary old argument ‘oh but then you won’t make any money from sales of your music’ well we don’t make any bloody money from sales of our CDs anyway so who cares? If I want to make a profit, I work overtime or find another job – music, art and literature should all be free.
Also, thanks to the excerpts Andus sends me from this site, I have now counted no less than 4 occasions when poor Penguin The Peacemaker has had to jump in like a referee with ’steady on, chaps, keep it civil’ type messages. Penguin, referees are generally paid damned good wages – so you should start charging KYPP a decent fee.
If anyone wants to have a go at me (they usually do) then it’s no good posting angry retorts on this site (unless you want to see how long it takes for Penguin to leap in with ‘come on, folks, calm down, keep it friendly’), instead you can pester me at
Jim V
December 1, 2008 at 2:53 amis there more?
Jim V
December 1, 2008 at 3:02 amHi Chris, re your above post….do you have a copy of Glass Shells and Cars ?
an Andy composition , with Daves Whales In Space on the same
tape?…I can’t find either. Both are rather sentimental and I would love copies…
December 1, 2008 at 12:32 pmSorry, but I have absolutely nothing by the Apostles after the 5th single. I may well have been sent a copy by Andy when it came out but would have given it away, though I must say it is quite an unusual title and i don’t recognise it. Penguin is probably the man to ask as he has an enormous collection of the later recordings.
December 2, 2008 at 1:07 amAlright Jim. Whales in space was by Dave Fanning’s band the Harlequin Quartet not the Apostles. they released two demo tapes, possibly three. I have both demo’s. and I will happily do you copies if you want to send me c90s, I only have them on tape. you can email me at
Paul Wilson
December 2, 2008 at 9:28 pmHe’s right you know.
Punk is dead and The Apostles were crap.
Jim V
December 2, 2008 at 11:11 pmAt last Cheers Andus…will email..thanks.
PeeWee…who cares?
December 6, 2008 at 1:42 pmThis weeks selection. 3.05 Sandown. Sunnyhillboy 7-1, A P McCoy
December 6, 2008 at 4:16 pmSunnyhill boy wins at 9-2.
Thats 3 out 4 tips won.
Come racing with Andus, get your hot tips from KYPP with its 75% hit rate.
I am gonna start charging you for this Pengiun
December 6, 2008 at 8:45 pmi think Andus should have his own section for the horse racing tips
Jim V
December 20, 2008 at 3:28 amTony Puppy…your communication from BBP (see above post 12 Nov) it seems
is true after all…can’t wait.
December 20, 2008 at 12:31 pmThis Weeks selection. Ascot 2.10. Duc De Regniere. 4-1.
December 20, 2008 at 3:28 pmwhoops. duc de regniere, came 2nd at 5-1,
December 20, 2008 at 6:03 pmAndy Martin has no interest in the Apostles. He’s been telling me that for years. But a lot of people still have an interest or are only finding out…
I’ve been trying to write a biography of the band the last two years as I thought they were just as important as Crass for trying to push the boat. Have been in touch with Andy, Dave, Chris and Scruff with interviews as well as compiling flyers, handouts, artwork etc. If anyone else can contribute please let me know. The finished product will hopefully include Academy 23/UNIT as well.
UNIT have recently recorded with Ian Bone and those recordings should be available soon.
I noticed earlier someone mentioned an unreleased double album. In 1990 Andy sent me the master tape for these recordings from Redchurch studios in 1986 and I put them out on cassette on Front Cover Tapes at the time under the title “No Faith No Fear” as suggested by Andy. Confusing as there was an EP of the same name. It was intended as the 8th album. Andy wrote an introduction for it and Dave provided a cover (called “Awake Sons of the North”). Parts of it did appear on cassette previously but this was the first time the full sessions were released. I did consider putting it out as a CD recently. Andy has no interest however and I don’t know if anyone else would either? Answers on a postcard.
Regarding the Apostles on CD Mortarhate plan to rerelease their back catalogue on CD so an Apostles CD may see the light eventually. Other than that the only other project I know of is Chris Low’s singles project of which I think he said mastering was nearing completion.
Be good to see….
December 20, 2008 at 6:48 pmFor the record, the only Apostles releases I can say for definite ARE coming out shortly are:
“Blow It Up, Burn It Down, Kick It Till It Breaks” CD – the remastered 1st,2nd,3rd & 5th Apostles singles (the 4th single wasn’t a proper Apostles release and should not be regarded as so) plus extra studio tracks recorded at same sessions out in early 2009.
“Press Blackouts & Lies” – double (or potentially TRIPLE!) vinyl album collecting together a selection of, in my opinion, the most innovative and interesting Apostles recordings (ie 1981-1983, prior to first EP & previously unreleased) out on Harbinger Sound. Early 2009.
I have no idea and no interest in anything else. So please don’t ask. 🙂
Graham Burnett
December 20, 2008 at 7:33 pmA triple Apostles album – good to see the tradition laid down by Yes (Yessongs) and ELP (Welcome Back My Friends…) is still alive and well!
December 21, 2008 at 1:39 amIndeed. And with any luck one side should consist of the full 21 minute version of “Don’t Mark His Face” 😉
December 21, 2008 at 11:44 amDid I just read that right? Out on Harbinger Sound?
How interesting…
Ian S
December 21, 2008 at 1:00 pmThere’s a Harbinger Records based in the US that does albums full of Broadway showtunes.
Can ‘The Apostles – the Musical’ be in the making?
“Don’t be stupid, be a smarty
Come along to the squat party”
Jim V
December 21, 2008 at 4:04 pmCheers for that back to front..the demo tape BBP sent out as Life was Daves demo…This was pointed out to BBP who now have and send out ‘Life’ as it should be …
December 21, 2008 at 7:50 pmhaha, yes. I can just see Andy dancing through Tower Hamlets in a sparkly silver top hat and tails.
No, it’s the Harbinger Sound label that’s released stuff by the New Blockaders, Government Alpha, Smegma, Dieter Muh, Ramleh etc.
An excellent label and Steve, the chap who runs it, was a great admirer of the pre-vinyl Apostles material, hence wanting to put out this retrospective, selected from my 45 hours (!!) of unreleased 1981-1983 Apostles cassette recordings.
Ian S
December 21, 2008 at 9:43 pm‘Smegma’, well that’s a charming name for a band that is.
Guess they must be one of those ‘cheesy listening’ acts.
December 21, 2008 at 9:49 pmAndy would do a brilliant version of Singing in the rain running down from Hackney Central into London fields with his top off, and Dave Fanning could do a fencing dance. superb.
I thought The Apostles 10th demo was the best thing they did.
BTW Chris. that film you wanted has finally arrived. I will post it down to Andy in the new year, with instructions to pass on to you.
Penguin • Post Author •
December 21, 2008 at 10:09 pmIs it XXX rated Andus? Chris’s film collection is, shall we say, only watchable for the more broad minded!
December 22, 2008 at 12:59 amAndus, i’ve never heard the 10th demo but you may well come to re-evaluate that statement once you hear some of the early experimental stuff which is just incredible. Some of the material from this period made it onto the “Topics For Discussion” demo (in my opinion, by far the best Apostles recording) such as ‘Chalet En Colere’, ‘Rediffusion Refugee’ etc but the vast amount of it remains unreleased and unheard. And i’ve got 30 bloody C90s of the stuff!!
Penguin, hohoho…just as well you haven’t had the pleasure of viewing any of my, ahem… ‘home movies’ then 😉
December 22, 2008 at 10:07 amGary Cooke was here is the title of the 10th demo, apparently the demolition company were on the b side, though I don’t have the b side, neither do I have the track list. Pete the plectrum is on the 10th that’s all I know.
The film I am on about is the Nf march through Digbeth Birmingham, shown in the
movie Rude boy, The clash, much of which is set in Birmingham,
30 C90S. JESUS ! enough for a 2 new apostles albums every year for the next 15 years
Penguin • Post Author •
December 22, 2008 at 10:20 am‘Gary Cooke Was Here’ was a tape released by BBP originally featuring The Apostles only, tracklisting:
The End/The Beginning/The Agenda/Tomorrows Children/A Folk Song/Number 23/Erics Detactables/Strange Fruit/A Sniper And A Scarecrow (about Heretics and Campbell Buildings)/The Survivers
Andy M/Dave F/Patrick Poole (AKA Rat from Statement) are The Apostles on this cassette, the 10th demo.
The only split cassette I have is the 11th demo which is Apostles and Paradox from Isreal on the b side. The Apostles for this cassette inc Sean and Colin from Demolition Company.
Phil R
December 22, 2008 at 10:22 amApparently, Andy wrote a song about me but i’ve never heard it. Always wondered what it was about!!??
Penguin • Post Author •
December 22, 2008 at 10:27 amI will try to find out what the song was Phil, one thing about Andy is he generally is quite descriptive on the cassette / single / LP covers about what the tracks are about.
You may well be mentioned in ‘A Sniper And A Scarecrow’ though, all about Sgt Heresy and the Scarecrow that died, not the Scarecrow (Crow) that is a browser on this site now and again. I will have to listen to it again.
December 22, 2008 at 10:54 amCheers for that penguin. Pete the Plectrum turns out to be Erics Detactables.
which I seem to recall being on one of their singles/mini albums.
December 22, 2008 at 8:52 pmhey Phil how was your retreat?
Glad youre back mate
I wanna hear this song about you too.
And I also wanna hear this song about Sniper & Crow (both our drummers, eh)
Thats emotional, a song about Crow. I never knew.
Can you point me to it Pengween? Is it on the Apostles site?
Penguin • Post Author •
December 22, 2008 at 9:01 pmNo Baron, it’s in my hand. Will upload it tonight but it will be the whole cassette, and it will be over in post 86 section of this site. Andy Martin contacted me today, so will reply and ask him about the Phil R song. If I have it I will upload it, if it has not been uploaded already on this site!
Penguin • Post Author •
December 22, 2008 at 10:50 pm‘A Sniper and a scarecrow’ track plus the rest of the material on the 10th Apostles demo is now uploaded on the post 86 section.
Link for lazy slobs here!
Also Phil R you are mentioned on one of Andy Martin’s records sleeves link below, to do with squatting in Campbell Buildings and so forth. Wrote to him today re: lyrics about yourself on any of the tracks recorded or otherwise by The Apostles.¤t=KYPP12.jpg
A hint, when the link puts you on the page, put the curser on the text and press left hand button once, this will make the text bigger and more readable.
December 23, 2008 at 12:10 amRead Andy’s piece about Campbell Buildings etc… it goes on to mention the four houses the Black Sheep Housing Co-op got in Islington. Respect to Mr.Martin – who helped get the Co-op going – but he says “the punks were deliberately given houses that were in a despicable state …and when the punks had renovated them… they would be moved to another four houses, all dilapidated and have to start all over again …”
That didn’t happen. The same four houses we got from Islington Council in 1982 lasted for many years and 53 Cross Street lasted 21 years- see