The Varukers – Inferno Records – 1981

Protest And Survive / No Scapegoat

Soldier Boy / Never Again

Debut release on Inferno Records run by Tempest record shop in Birmingham, next release was by Dead Wretched which is also a slab of tip top pogo punk.

This band I know hardly anything about except they reminded me of Discharge at the time of purchasing this 7″ single (except for Soldier Boy, that sounded like Dead Wretched), and the vocalist had a mohican when I caught them performing live.

All the rest of the memories are now faded into some kind of UK82 haze in my brain somewhere.

Lazy journalism at its most frustrating. Sorry about that…off to bed!

  1. andus
    October 17, 2008 at 5:21 pm

    Its a classic isn’t it, heres an even better one, a film I saw a few years back, can’t remember the author, I think it was called deep space, apparently Nasa have been filming ‘space serpents’ from their satellite’s, they show you Nasa footage taken from satellite’s of strange lights just outside the earths atmosphere, claiming they are space serpents.

  2. andus
    October 17, 2008 at 5:23 pm

    I wanna get a copy of it because it was hilarious, its goes on for 3 hours in a sort of ‘Bird watching’ atmosphere of we have to stay quite here, cause the space serpants may get scared off.

  3. John No Last Name
    John No Last Name
    October 17, 2008 at 5:32 pm

    Look out H band the Varukers are gaining ground on you in the ‘legendary punk band that nobody actually listened’ to stakes.

  4. baron von zubb
    baron von zubb
    October 17, 2008 at 6:48 pm

    No chance.

  5. Chris
    October 17, 2008 at 7:03 pm

    haha, andus, that sounds brilliant! Would love to see that gem myself. Just as long as David Icke doesn’t have anything to do with it and the search for ‘space serpents’ is in fact located in Golder’s Green 😉

    And, Sam, that’s interesting what you’re saying because a friend of mine is currently working as a researcher for the history channel and – guess what? – programmes with a religious and ‘conspiracy theory’ theme is something they are currently tendring for, with their current production being one on Nazi UFO-ology! I kid ye not!!

  6. andus
    October 17, 2008 at 7:13 pm

    No its nothing to do with Icke, or Golders Green. Its basically the footage nasa atronauts took whilst they were up there fixing a satellite, someones got hold of it, dubbed over it, morphed the voices of the astronauts and basically and come up with these space serpants that the GOV have not told us about, I have an idea its a spoof, buts its difficult to tell these days. I will see if I can find it, My mate has a copy I believe, or did have.

    Nazi-ufoology doesn’t surprise me, they were into all sorts of things, finding the grail being one of them. and searching for Atlantis,

  7. andus
    October 17, 2008 at 8:04 pm

    I have found it, its called secret space a Chris Everard film, and its not a spoof, the guy is serious, ha ha. I saw another Chris everard film a few years back about ghosts, he films these ghosts in this house……. a door slams,,,the camera woman screams, ,,another door slams, and the commentator goes, ‘ did you see that, the ghost just ran through the room and through the other door’ all you see is a load of lights from their torches being thrown about. later on the camera crew sneak up on another ghost in the house, and zoom in on it while its sat in the corner of the room, ‘and there it is’ we can clearly see it now…. another door slams, ‘Oh its spotted us and fled…

    Monty Python eat your heart out.

  8. andus
    October 17, 2008 at 8:15 pm

    What has happened to the big post anyway

  9. John No Last Name
    John No Last Name
    October 18, 2008 at 1:49 am

    Well Sam just attempted to breathe some life into it by posting about Southie Deathy on it, but I’m not sure it’s going to work

  10. baron von zubb
    baron von zubb
    October 18, 2008 at 5:55 pm

    Well if you buggars weren’t delibrately boycotting it ‘cos youre all mates of the varukers it might.
    Its just pure favoritism.
    Did The Varukers mould a famous post punk singer?
    Of course they didnt.

    Any chance of ’17 years of hell’ by The Partisans sometime?
    It was good at the time wasn’t it?
    “17 years of hell /Now I wanna have some fun
    17 years of hell/they say I’ll end up on the run.”

  11. John No Last Name
    John No Last Name
    October 18, 2008 at 8:39 pm

    maybe you should just hijack this post and make it about the H band too?

  12. John No Last Name
    John No Last Name
    October 18, 2008 at 9:09 pm

    Once again I find myself flying in the face of popular opinion, I liked Zeitgeist a lot. I thought ‘Loose change’ was a propaganda film that was so falling over itself to prove its point that it ended up being dishonest and misleading, but the whole opening of Zeitgeist where they talk about the similarities between the major religions was pretty fascinating. Considering that arguably many of the worlds conflicts have been caused by the differences between religious factions the idea that they all came from the same source certainly made me go hmmm!

  13. andus
    October 18, 2008 at 9:48 pm

    I saw Zeitgeist as well,I thought the first and 3rd parts were good, but all the stuff about having the same related rulers for 10 thousand years was absolute tosh, but it did make big claims about itself as Graham points out ‘Opening your eyes to the truth’. Also the three parts did not bear any great relation to each other, I thought it was ok. The 2nd part I wasn’t keen on, Loose Change was an awful film,the first one on 9-11 I believe.

  14. baron von zubb
    baron von zubb
    October 20, 2008 at 9:46 am

    The penny has dropped. We all know im a bit slow.
    This site no doubt attracts folk from the era of the KYPP zine.(and only 6 issues? It was a big thing so I presumed there was like one a month or something)
    Hence this love for ANL and that era of bands. And the evil Varukers. Grrrrrr
    Although I didnt cut me hair til ’78 my punk tastes were the singles I bought ‘im a cliche’ ‘no time to be 21’ ‘ neat neat neat’ ‘GSTQ’.The Models, Chelsea etc etc from the previous year and ended as the new decade ushered in PIL etc.
    But ‘punk’ was probably much bigger and important I guess, than I credit it as being later on.
    All these later bands, and books about them is now a testiment to that.
    Now I get it.
    Then a couple of years seemed to make loads of difference.

  15. andus
    October 20, 2008 at 11:16 am

    I actually prefer the crass bands, Crass being my favourite punk band, followed by, The Amebix, Flux of Pink Indians, The Mob, Blyth Power, Chumbuwamba, Dead Kenndeys, Sex Pistols, X ray Specs, The Apostles, Zoundz. Antisect.
    The ANL come in way down the list of my top 100 bands, probably in about 70th position, The Varukers don’t even make it into the top 100. The 4 skins would have made it into the top 20, but I had to ban them from my chart.

    Favourite all time punk tracks. Holiday in Cambodia, DKS, Tube Disasters,Flux, Witchhunt The Mob, Darkest Hour, Amebix, Nobody’s Driving. Amebix, Daze of the Week, Apostles, Identity, X Ray Specs, Bleed ForMe, DKS, Holidays in the Sun, Sex Pistols, Channel zero, Antisect.

    Favourite top 3 albums. Never mind the Bollocks, Sex Pistols. (still remains a masterpiece, Stations of the Crass, Crass. Monolith, Amebix.

    favourite all time band The Jam, if they qualify as a punk band then the chart about will be severely affected.

  16. Penguin
    Penguin • Post Author •
    October 20, 2008 at 1:55 pm

    Baron old chap, KYPP fanzine run for six issues from 1979 – 1983 and the contributors were generally all from the original 76/77 generation. The KYPP contributors interest in ANL and The Varukers would be next to nothing, and they would not have been featured in any of the issues.
    Antz and Crass, The Mob, Blood And Roses and SDC were. Also Bauhaus and Sex Gang Children – those kind of bands from the early 1980s. Most of those bands lived with the KYPP crew at one stage or another which is maybe why they were featured, as well as being great bands of course.
    Tony D had started to do his own fanzine in very late 1976 (Ripped And Torn) which I think was the third or so fanzine to be produced in the punk era. Both Tony and Al wrote pieces for Zigzag, and Sounds and of course Punk Lives, a short running magazine which DID feature the ANL and Varukers, those kind of bands, but those features were not written from the pens of the KYPP crew in that particular magazine.
    Two years certainly does make a difference when you in your early teenage years for sure!

  17. Carl
    October 20, 2008 at 2:21 pm

    Penguin, sorry to be a tad “trainspotty” but I always thought Ripped And Torn was the second Punk fanzine after Sniffing Glue.. What was second then ??? was it “Strangled” ???.

    I agree with two years making a lot of difference in teenage years but saying that, I still cant think of any point in time when the Varukers were any good. I do confess to owning Streets Of London tho.

  18. Penguin
    Penguin • Post Author •
    October 20, 2008 at 2:36 pm

    London Outrage (Jon Savage) or 48 Thrills (Adrian Thrills) I think Carl.

  19. Graham Burnett
    Graham Burnett
    October 20, 2008 at 3:35 pm

    > I still cant think of any point in time when the Varukers were any good.

    Its a good name though. Not as good as Scum Dribblers, mind.

  20. Sam
    October 20, 2008 at 4:14 pm

    Or Shag Nasty

  21. Chris
    October 20, 2008 at 4:14 pm

    neither as good as REO SPEED-DEALER though 🙂

  22. Sam
    October 20, 2008 at 4:19 pm

    I think there’s a direct correlation with the music becoming more crap in relation to the bands looking more like punk rockers.

  23. Tony Puppy
    Tony Puppy
    October 20, 2008 at 11:03 pm

    Shane MacGowan’s Bondage had the second punk fanzine honour, it was all handwritten because “typing is for girls” stated Shane proudly.

  24. baron von zubb
    baron von zubb
    October 21, 2008 at 9:46 am

    Mr P, I think my post came out backwards.
    I certainly didnt mean to cast aspersons on anyone involved in KYPP. Yep I know of the history. (I too thought R & T was the second fanzine.)
    I was merely wondering if because I ducked out of punk as the new decade got going that i might not be giving credence to the next wave of punk bands, and to consider that they were infact better & more important than I have previously considered.
    Also, that because of the dates, there may be folk attracted to this site who feel a relevence for those times just as I had for the coupla years previous.
    If someone liked ANL or Bauhaus but I liked ATV or The Cortinas, who am I to judge?
    About names
    Theres a band now called ‘Holy fuck’
    Gotta be the best.

  25. Graham Burnett
    Graham Burnett
    October 21, 2008 at 10:42 am

    After my old band the Stripey Zebras called it a day, the singer started another band called Fucked By Monty.

  26. Carl
    October 21, 2008 at 11:20 am

    Thanks Tony, query answered I guess !

  27. Penguin
    Penguin • Post Author •
    October 21, 2008 at 1:13 pm

    Zubber, no problem old bean, just did not want those guy’s to get the blame for my crappy record / tape collection, which is the collection of a young ‘un at the start of the new decade 1979 to 1980 onwards. The stuff I owned ‘live’, bought at the time of release – Crass / Varukers / The Mob etc (rather than bought after the fact- Hawkwind / Last Poets / Pink Floyd etc) is probably representative of a 13 year old punker punter who’s saturdays were spent going to buy punk 7″ records in Harlow or Walthamstow.
    Other than supporting the mighty THFC, were saturdays designed for any other reason than to grab punk singles from the walls of those record stores? Kind of miss those days actually – spent hours in those stores with just a few pennies looking at the records on the walls…
    The real KYPP crew are much more advanced in years than I, and the stuff I put up they have no control over.
    I know there are much younger browsers world wide that get on this site that would enjoy bands like Discharge or Blitz, as well as getting them clued up at the same time (hopefully) to some reggae, Here And Now or the mighty Heretics!

    You know how it is…
    At least I can guarantee no Anti Nowhere League will be uploaded as I did not own any. I doubt Tony D has any either!

  28. Ian S
    Ian S
    October 21, 2008 at 2:41 pm

    My GF was inflicting her old Anti Nowhere League records on me the other night. She said it brought back memories which included stealing a combine harvester for joy-riding purposes and putting a chair through a pub window. Funny watching her getting worked up while ‘So What’ was playing. (Daughter’s voice: “Mum you’re pulling the scary face again!”)

  29. alistairliv
    October 21, 2008 at 3:04 pm

    A combine harvester? Not Hackney then…now I am hearing Wurzels songs.

  30. Ian S
    Ian S
    October 21, 2008 at 3:16 pm

    She be a country girl!

  31. chris
    October 21, 2008 at 3:35 pm

    actually, i was talking about ANL’s “So What?” a while back with someone, discussing how it was one of those records that, like ‘Friggin In The Riggin’, Wayne County’s “fuck off” and Ivor Biggun’s ‘Winker’s Song’ , traversed from being a ‘punk record’ to being popularly embraced by juvenile minds as simply something to offend. You could guarantee at every kiddy disco someone would dare to get the aspiring Peter Powell to give it – an invariably prematurely curtailed – spin and loads of folk at school who weren’t punks had a copy as it almost had the same kind of kudos as bringing back a flick-knife or a set of bestiality playing cards from holiday.

    So for that reason alone i think ‘So What?’ is worthy of an upload!

    (though the rest of their stuff was mince)

  32. chris
    October 21, 2008 at 3:38 pm

    “She be a country girl!”

    Good job for you she’s not German and has a chicken called Billy then 😉

  33. baron von zubb
    baron von zubb
    October 21, 2008 at 6:24 pm

    Right so now we have official requests for some ANL.
    Didnt they do the song ‘Big Women’ ?
    Was big amoungst the other ‘casa ocupata’ residents of both sexes when we were in Bologne. What that says about Italian punks I dont know.

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