The Last Poets – Douglas Records – 1977

It’s A Trip

Blessed Are Those Who Struggle

Delights Of The Garden

Dunno why, thought this would be a relevant upload today of all days 5th November 2008.

The Last Poets performing some of the best material they ever recorded on the massively influential LP ‘Delight’s Of The Garden’. All Last Poets material is great and well worth searching out, this LP though, in my opinion, is the best. 

The Last Poets always wrote from a black man perspective, lyrics specifically aimed at U.S. goverment sponsored racism on the home front, and abroad, Vietnam for example, during the late 1960’s and the late 1970’s.

I wonder what the surviving members think about the news of the U.S.A election victory today.

As a small matter of interest, Mark Stewart And The Maffia performed a version of ‘Blessed Are Those Who Struggle’ early on in there career.

There are tracks from the Last Poets debut LP, self titled, and the second LP ‘This Is Madness’ on this site if you care to search it out with the search function.

After Dr Martin Luther King’s march to Washington D.C. in 1963, the ‘million man march’ in 1995 (also held in Washington D.C), five decades of focused African American struggle, and of course many hundreds of years of not so focused struggle against Uncle Sam, the U.S.A. finally has a non white president.

Whether Barack Obama’s policies will ultimately map out a fairer future for all citizens in the U.S.A, and of course the rest of the world, remains to be seen. Let’s hope so…I remember thinking a similar thing about New Labour in 1997 and some of those policies by that party went tits up somewhat, domestically and further out into the wider world…

Seems to me while looking at the news a lot of the day, that there is an optimism running throughout a lot of the U.S.A. and the world including China, which can not be a bad thing.

Let’s see how long the optimism lasts, we will have to wait and see…

  1. Chris
    November 6, 2008 at 8:12 pm

    Lazy Rod Says:
    November 6th, 2008 at 6:17 pm
    Nic most of the cover art/photos are taken by me from my own records so what’s your point?

    Actually, mate, I just had a look at that site for the first time and there are quite a lot of photos I took at gigs I attended and cassettes I recorded myself that I had lent Penguin to upload here featured on it. I’m not going to say which ones as It doesn’t matter and i’m not bothered about getting any sort of ‘credit’, and I wouldnt really expect anyone else here would be either, but It would be nice if all downloads and images taken from this site were credited to KYPP, with perhaps the URL?


  2. Lazy Rod
    Lazy Rod
    November 6, 2008 at 9:04 pm

    Chris if anything photowise has originated from here it is purely co-incidental as they were not taken from here and I can assure you that nothing musical uploaded here appears on my site as all the live tapes I have posted are ripped from my own cassettes and I usually check this site, amongst others, so as not to double post! Are you sure that you were looking at my site? Which recordings have originated from here?

  3. Chris
    November 6, 2008 at 10:31 pm

    honestly mate, a lot of these tapes and certain live photos of bands I can assure you I took or recorded myself (though it’s not like they’re copyrighted and for all know they could be all over the net by now – not that i’m bothered, in fact quite the opposite!) It doesn’t matter to me in the slightest and as far as i’m concerned the more people see these photos and hear these recordings the better! you’ve got a cracking site and i’ve spent most of the evening downloading the Sinyx demos, six minute war, rudimentay peni live etc etc – and i’m more than pleased to have found them! no certainly harm done and i’m certainly not in any way annoyed about it! As far as i’m concerned, the more sites there are like yours and KYPP the better! “It’s all good, my friend” 🙂

  4. Lazy Rod
    Lazy Rod
    November 6, 2008 at 10:47 pm

    Chris I think you’ll find that the stuff you’ve downloaded is from Gabe’s site not mine!! But it’s of no consequence now as the damage has been done 🙁

  5. Chris
    November 6, 2008 at 11:43 pm

    What’s your site then? I thought we were talking about this –
    Can’t find links to any other sites on this thread.
    What do you mean by “the damage has been done” ? I’m confused…

  6. alistairliv
    November 7, 2008 at 1:06 am

    I have just posted this comment on Rod’s site:

    It does seem to me that there has been a fair bit of confusion between different sites, with Chris mixing up your site with Gabe’s.

    Surely the main point is that there is a lot of music which was obscure at the time i.e. got little coverage in the NME, Sounds etc and which would still be obscure /unknown if it was not for sites like Electric Rhythm or KYPP acting as historical archives.

    But, as I have found with KYPP, there is so much music out there that – unless you were an ultra obsessive ‘stamp collector’/ ‘trainspotter’ type person – even folk who were there at the time could easily have missed some of the bands and music. The more sites which give access to the music the better.

    Putting up links to similar sites is a good way of helping the tribe to increase – so if someone finds one site like this and likes what they find, they can follow the links to find even more of the music.

    The way Google works, the more links a site has, the higher up the Google rating tree it climbs. So sites which don’t show links to other sites condemn themselves to obscurity.

  7. Graham Burnett
    Graham Burnett
    November 7, 2008 at 1:19 am

    Whilst an internet ‘spat’ is always slightly unseemly, but at the same time quite entertaining to an outsider who couldn’t give a monkeys either way about any of the ‘playas’ involved, its nice that this one has brought a gem of a site to my attention, ie, gabe’s blog, full of anarcho-punk classics, many probabaly considered long lost and forgotten, and plenty of graphics featuring punk rock skellingtons with mohicans, which can be no bad thing.

    Enjoyed downloading and hearing once again the wonderful Terminal Disaster demo, which I probably havn’t heard since 1982. Vintage cover art too, meeting all the prerequisites of a badly drawn skellington face with a ‘nuclear symbol’ background, hand drawn ‘dalek’ style writing, ’19AT/1′ date and a sub-Dave King ‘logo/symbol’ with band initials rendered in some kind of circle affair. My old memory is not what it was, but I’m pretty sure the mandatory ‘Warning HM Govt can damage your health’ statement featured somewhere on the cassette cover. Great stuff!

  8. Essex Punker
    Essex Punker
    November 7, 2008 at 6:50 am

    Great, Rods site is taken down. Way to go Gabe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. Nic
    November 7, 2008 at 10:10 am

    My initial comment didn’t exactly help all of this this really, did it?
    I’ll try to be more circumspect…

    I was trying to make the point that you don’t really have a leg to stand on when you begin to get ‘moral’ and accuse people of ‘stealing’ posts on blogs which specialise in making available recordings made by other people (ie musicians / artists)…
    If you were so concerned about issues of ownership, perhaps you should apply the same logic to your own actions and ask the people whose creativity you are duplicating and disseminating for free if they agree to this action in the first place…which – surprise, surprise – you don’t…

    I personally feel that if you ‘rip’ someone else’s music from their release and make it available for free on your blog, you then can’t complain if someone else takes that ‘rip’ and uses it on their own blog without ‘credit’…
    Thinking back to the Tape Trading days in the early 1980’s: I (and many others – I’m particularly looking at you, Chris! 🙂 ) would spend time copying tapes, packaging them up (maybe making a collage for the cover), writing a letter to accompany the tape, walking to the post office, and posting the tape…
    and those tapes would then spread like viral memes around the world…
    Would it have been reasonable to expect that everyone who copied that tape on to other people had to give us ‘credit’?
    It was done for LOVE…

    It’s a shame that Rodney has decided to take his blog down after having an ‘Internet Fit’, but you can’t blame other people for his fit of pique over an illogical and untenable position…

    The positive aspect of all this is the fact that these recordings are being made available once more…
    Not necessarily for the ‘quality’ of the music, but for the ideas which they contain…
    I have (broadly) similar viewpoints to many of the songs on these old recordings, so I personally think its great that they are getting out there across the globe to new generations and (hopefully) spreading different ways of approaching life. For example, ‘rips’ of Graham’s New Crimes compilations might lead (by an admittedly circuitous route) to the Permaculture courses which he offers – and that can only be a positive outcome…

    Anyway, how great is that Last Poets album?

  10. Carl
    November 7, 2008 at 11:08 am

    Crikey…I dont log in for a few days and theres been scrapping..

    Cant we discuss a proper topic like “Should we wear leather Doc Martins ?”

  11. andus
    November 7, 2008 at 11:13 am

    He has taken his site down as well, a bit extreme, shame.
    but Nic is right, you can’t complain about people using your rips, when its other peoples music in the first place. its a bit like a thief moaning about someone stealing his stolen goods, Having said that I am sure most of the bands don’t mind anyway, shame though, he had some live recordings from the Mermaid, still I managed to get the Amebix one before he axed his own site.

    anyway. I had a letter off the library this morning. ha.

    bxxxy punks and their swear words.

  12. andus
    November 7, 2008 at 11:17 am

    Cant we discuss a proper topic like “Should we wear leather Doc Martins

    Or 9-11

    cue smiley face

  13. andus
    November 7, 2008 at 11:41 am

    My Apologies Gabe it was your site I got Amebix live in Birmingham from not Lazy Rods. or….

    Did you nick it off him…

    who in turn nicked it from KYPP?

    ETC, ETC, ETC.

  14. Nic
    November 7, 2008 at 11:54 am

    “Should we wear leather Doc Martins?”
    Yes if you don’t care…
    No if you do…

    I wouldn’t wear them as they are sartorially rubbish…

    A Clarks ‘Pasty’ – yes…
    A Paul Smith ‘Certain’ – yes…
    A Camper ‘Pelota’ – yes…
    A Penguin ‘George’ – yes…
    But not a Docker…

  15. andus
    November 7, 2008 at 12:19 pm

    Obama wears leather.

  16. Ian S
    Ian S
    November 7, 2008 at 12:48 pm

    No you’re thinking of Palin. And, where can you get a moose costume? Be honest andus.

  17. andus
    November 7, 2008 at 1:08 pm

    A moose costume, I have no idea. but did you know its illigal to look at a Moose from an airplane. I kid you not.

    Palin wears leather as well ! I don’t believe it. and I thought she was a nice girl.

    And it came to pass that Andus did find out where to get a moose costume.

    from ebay of course

    MOOSE HAT alaska Alaskan COSTUME stuffed head taxidermyThis seller accepts PayPal
    *Fast & Free SAME DAY SHIPPING Priority Avlb MORE HATS!
    £10.72 Buy It Now

    Did you know Alaska only has 3 electoral points, has that got anything to do with their Russian ancestry

  18. Ian S
    Ian S
    November 7, 2008 at 1:26 pm

    Only £10.72? Get in there my son!

    A huge Palin effigy was burned at the bonfire society parade in Battle, Sussex last weekend. Dunno why, thought they would have been into her.

  19. andus
    November 7, 2008 at 1:33 pm

    Why Palin, did they not burn an effigy of Mccain, wierd SxxT, what has she done to Sussex !

    Palin comes from up north, actually doesn’t she come from Alaska, the penny is beginning to drop now about the moose connection. perhaps it was her who banned people from looking at the moose’s from planes.

  20. andus
    November 7, 2008 at 1:37 pm

    Thats a damn good effigy, almost too good to burn, they’ll probably be burning Obama effigy’s in a few years.

  21. Ian S
    Ian S
    November 7, 2008 at 1:45 pm

    “Why Palin, did they not burn an effigy of Mccain, wierd SxxT, what has she done to Sussex !”

    That’s exactly what I was wondering when I saw it in the field on the night (it’s kept a secret until it is unveiled).

    Ten years ago the Lewes bonfire parade had a giant effigy of Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky, with the words ‘In Gob We Thrust’ above it. It was wheeled through the town centre.

  22. andus
    November 7, 2008 at 1:53 pm

    Did they start the fire by lighting the cigar in Lewinsky’s…………

    Don’t Panic Penguin, the library has taught me censorship.

    Actually Penguin you might want to ban swear words on this site, cause folks won’t be able to read it in the library. the library censorship page will jump up, perhaps thats why Mr Martin doesn’t leave posts.

    I know thats a bit rich coming from me, the ammount of swearing I have done on this site, but I couldn’t help it because I’m Fxxxxxg working class,

    its in my genes.

  23. Nic
    November 7, 2008 at 3:29 pm

    You’ve turned the f*cking air blue on here, Andus…

    Yours sincerely,

    Outraged of Kings Heath

  24. andus
    November 7, 2008 at 3:56 pm

    Yes. I think I will have to stop listening to Derek and Clive.

  25. alistairliv
    November 7, 2008 at 5:30 pm

    What was the worst job you ever had?

  26. andus
    November 7, 2008 at 5:50 pm

    The worst job I ever had was on a factory farm in Holland, where I had to retrieve hyacinth bulbs from my own Axxxxxxe. Absolute agony, the pain, god; I was run over and killed several times by the tractor, and burn’t alive by Dutch fascists who told me to Fxxk off out of THEIR country, of course, I wasn’t going to be dictated to in that manner. so I came home, strangely enough the whole affair gave me a tremendous horn, and I have never looked back.

  27. baron von zubb
    baron von zubb
    November 7, 2008 at 6:31 pm

    Theres a tradition of effigy burning down here at this time of year.
    In Lewes every Nov 5 theres massive torch lit parades and burning effigies of , well, anyone.
    One year it was Bush and Obama ,
    I mean Osama.
    One year it was a caravan with some gypo effigies.
    This year it was Brown & Darling.
    Theres always the pope. Its very un PC and usualy pisses a few folk off.
    Its kind of anarcho/punk/pagan.
    Brilliant fireworks too. Its great.

  28. Nic
    November 7, 2008 at 8:59 pm

    Worst jobs?
    Probably on my hands and knees digging up vegetables in East Anglia…
    or making toothbrushes while at Her Majesty’s Pleasure…

  29. andus
    November 7, 2008 at 9:22 pm

    Sounds very similiar to collecting hyacinth bulbs, but did they go up your Axxe

  30. Penguin
    Penguin • Post Author •
    November 7, 2008 at 10:04 pm

    Toothbrush may have done Andus. 🙂

  31. gabe
    November 7, 2008 at 10:21 pm

    Hey everyone I have only used 8 uploads from KYPP and Penguin does not mind any way so everyone fuck off, except you Penguin your alright in my book cheers.

  32. Penguin
    Penguin • Post Author •
    November 7, 2008 at 10:26 pm

    I don’t mind you taking uploads at all Gabe, but no need to tell the general browsers on this site to f off. Be nice, theres no need for that…

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