Fallout – London Musicians Collective, London, NW1 – 22/01/83

Conscription / Them and Us / ? / Sugar and Spice / Pound Of Flesh / Barry Brudom / Remember / Ain’t We All So Lucky / When The Time Comes / Nearly Not Quite / Fly The Flag / Nuclear Power / Peter Sutcliffe / Salami Tactics / Slice It Up / Zippo

Very rare and amazingly clear tape of Fallout (ex Six Minute War) performing at the London Musicians Collective down wintery Camden Town supporting The Apostles and The Mob.

Thanks to Guru Chris for the lend of the cassette.

The Apostles / Mob sets at the L.M.C. are already uploaded on this site if you care to search for them.

Six Minute War and Fallout studio material is also uploaded on this site, if you can be arsed to sniff it out.

I know next to nothing about this band, I witnessed them perform, bought the Butchery 10″ off the vocalist at the time. Never got the Six Minute War E.Ps at the time that they were released (1980/81), although they were always hanging up on various record shop walls waiting to be grabbed. Must have gone for The Partisans on No Future Records instead, silly sausage!!!

Staying on the New Crimes vibe (post below) I have used a poster of a Fallout gig, partly promoted by Graham Burnett in Southend, as I have no relevant images of the band, except for the sleeve of the 10″ which is uploaded somewhere else on this site…L.M.C queue photograph courtesy of the Mighty Mick Lugworm.

Feel free to fill in the gaps Nic or Chris or….

  1. Penguin
    Penguin • Post Author •
    August 6, 2008 at 12:08 am

    Nicely done fella, post looks lovely now!The guy in the white sitting down looks like he is reading a KYPP fanzine by the look of the design around the edges. Dunno which page of which volume, will have to flick through them all again!

  2. keith
    August 6, 2008 at 1:02 am

    great upload really like this band had a different sound to most bands of the day i’ll try and sus out a tracklisting for yah when its downloaded, cant wait to hear this as i aint got a decent recording by them …………..oh yeah i dont know if you want a prog that can split up individual songs from one long mp3 ????? …http://audacity.sourceforge.net is a prog i use its pretty easy
    to use import your mp3 hightlight a whole song when happy just save as name of song and format mp3/flac/wave into a folder and its done then do next song and so on you prob know all this anyway just a thought mate…….cheers for the dl

  3. Nic
    August 6, 2008 at 12:39 pm

    The tracklist is (with a few exceptions which I can recognise as tracks from the ‘Home Killed Meat’ LP but cant remember the titles of off the top of my head):

    Them and Us
    Sugar and Spice
    Barry Brudom
    Ain’t We All So Lucky
    Nearly Not Quite
    Nuclear Power
    Peter Sutcliffe
    Salami Tactics

    One thing that always tickled me about Six Minute War and Fallout was the way in which the drummer never seemed to be able to end a song at the same time as the rest of the band – he always ended late…

    Both bands (Six Minute War and Fallout) seemed to have quite a ‘low profile’: I only remember seeing 2 fanzines with Six Minute War articles in them…perhaps it was because they were ‘Socialists’ rather than ‘Anarchists’?

    Nothing wrong with the Partisans ‘Police Story’ single, Pengy – top quality…
    “I signed on the line, and threw away my life…
    They gave me a gun, they gave me a knife…”

  4. jon from bromley
    jon from bromley
    August 6, 2008 at 7:41 pm

    pretty sure I was at that gig… i had all the Six Minute War ep’s and loved them. The first fallout 7″ was also damned good.
    you can find the ‘more short songs’ ep on this site:

    The drummer from Screaming Babies ended up joining a later incarnation of Fallout around ’84-ish, which probably meant that they ended their songs with too many drum rolls, and drunken shouting 🙂 – i did have an album of theirs but can’t remember much about it…

  5. Penguin
    Penguin • Post Author •
    August 6, 2008 at 11:30 pm

    Thanks Nic, tracklisting up on post now.

  6. Henk
    August 12, 2008 at 8:56 am

    I don’t remember the title of track #3, maybe it’s a SMW song?

    Passing Judgement
    Sugar And Spice
    Pound Of Flesh
    Barry Brudom
    Ain’t We All So Lucky
    When The Time Comes
    Nearly Not Quite
    Fly The Flag
    Nuclear Power
    Peter Sutcliffe
    Slice It Up

  7. cynical old bastard
    cynical old bastard
    December 21, 2008 at 1:35 pm

    The drummer’s antics were the best thing about Fallout. What happened to him (Rob Maidens,the ex Screaming Babies one I mean) ?!?!?
    SMW / Fallout got through drummers like Spinal Tap 😉
    The track “zippo” is a mangled version of
    “Kyrie eleison” by the Electric Prunes (!?!) from the film “Easy Rider”. Fallout got into bikes and heavy metal in a big way, one reason they packed up. No idea about the other track at 4 minutes never heard it before.
    Charlie’s remarks well funny “this time we’ll all play the same song”. Ha ha tells you everything 🙂

  8. Nic
    December 22, 2008 at 9:26 am

    They got into ‘bikes and heavy metal’?
    Around that time, it was the heyday of Poodle Perms and Glitter – any pics? 😉

  9. jon from bromley
    jon from bromley
    December 22, 2008 at 12:38 pm

    Rob’s antics were always an entertaining part of any Screaming Babies gig… his acapella renditions of ‘Where have all the flowers gone’ were particularly special.

    I haven’t had any contact with Rob since shortly after the split of post Screaming Babies band Still Screaming (see the link there – smooth!).

    I’ve been in contact with Fred Previous lately who in turn has been in contact with former SB vocalist Dave, who still keeps in touch with Rob so, if you’re still with me here, there may be an update soon on heavy metal, bikes and poodle hairdos… how any of that would top the Fallout EP I can’t imagine.

  10. cynical old bastard
    cynical old bastard
    December 22, 2008 at 6:52 pm

    dear Nic
    sorry no pictures, not the type you want anyway – that would have been well funny.

    dear Jon
    wasnt Rob also in some other band, Rigor Mortis?!?! what were they about?!?!?! any idea?

  11. Rob
    August 31, 2009 at 9:47 am

    The first 2 Six Minute War eps and the first (only) Fallout ep epitomised DIY political punk rock.For a short period these were the soundtrack to my life.I recall an influential London anarcho fanzine writer being unimpressed due to SMW being socialists.

  12. Rob
    August 31, 2009 at 9:58 am

    There was a gig at the LMC in 1982 with a long queue like that in the photo – Conflict and the Mob played but I don’t remember the other bands – any ideas?

  13. alistairliv
    August 31, 2009 at 4:41 pm

    https://www.killyourpetpuppy.co.uk/news/?p=1420 is well worth a read- it includes a slightly surreal detour (thanks to Andus) ‘Through the Looking Glass’ where the question ‘Were Crass philosophers?’ is answered via an encounter with Humpty Dumpty.

  14. Rob
    September 1, 2009 at 1:18 pm

    Penguin-thanks for redirecting me to the Six Minute War thread

  15. Hollowbelly
    September 7, 2009 at 7:54 pm

    Hello – I played bass with Fallout before moving onto guitar (so Charlie could leap around a bit) – played with them in Deptford, Coventry, Brum etc as I recall – Brum was funny cos we were supported by a little known (at that time) band called Napalm Death – the drummer used Little Robs’ kit and fairly hit 7 shades of shit out of ’em – he wasnt too impressed – ha ha ha!
    I have the studio masters of an unreleased album in my loft!!..
    Probably a right mess after all these years..
    I still play – Hollowbelly – look me up
    Rob Taylor – he’s a dj but Im not saying who cos he wouldn’t thank me for it.
    Little Rob Maidens – no idea.
    Charlie Deane – last time I heard he was in Scotland.

  16. jon (ex-from bromley)
    jon (ex-from bromley)
    September 7, 2009 at 9:02 pm

    Rob Maidens is living in Rugby and soon to become a parent I hear… heard this thru the various ex-Screaming Babies (who he played with before Fallout).
    Hollowbelly sounds good….

  17. Hollowbelly
    September 7, 2009 at 10:14 pm

    rob m was a bloody good laugh – he was always fun to be around. always. top man. thanks for updating me on that score.

  18. Nic
    September 8, 2009 at 10:04 am

    Thanks for that Hollowbelly: I couldn’t remember if Napalm Death had actually played with Fallout or not…
    And apologies for the drums – our drummer used to absolutely thrash the skins…

    Hollowbelly sounds are great: I think I’ll get along to the ‘Cigar Box Guitar’ festival in October…

  19. Hollowbelly
    September 8, 2009 at 10:16 am

    yeah you’ll love it-please make sure you say hi if you go-dont worry about the drums-ha ha ha! Actually, the other Rob (Rob Taylor on bass) absolutely loved your band that night-he was always good at spotting the next favourite thing.

  20. John No Last Name
    John No Last Name
    September 8, 2009 at 4:45 pm

    Hi Hollowbelly, on the subject of cigar box guitars I thought you might appreciate this link http://barattoguitars.com/?page_id=9 I have one of these and love it.

  21. Hollowbelly
    September 8, 2009 at 5:02 pm

    Hi John-cool, I’ll check it out.Heres a cbg link by way of return-
    all things cigarbox guitar.

  22. rik
    October 26, 2009 at 5:07 am

    hey, fallout best punk band ever, great songs, original sound someone knows if there are pictures from back in time?

  23. Marky G
    Marky G
    November 16, 2009 at 2:09 pm

    Went to Raynes Park High School with Rob (The Flags, Six Minute War, Fallout etc…) and a few notable others…

    Some great gigs around town. I remember folding SMW 7″ covers with Steve Key (SMW vocals) and the rest of the gang – seems a million years ago…

    So Rob ended up on big bikes eh – we used to ride around dirt track (Colliers Wood?) on his old 125…

    Taking the Fallout LP cover pics was a crazy crazy few days….


    Marky G

  24. anarcho
    November 28, 2009 at 2:15 am

    It’s about time someone compiled a bunch of bands for a tribute record for this awesome band!

    (here’s an old cover made by 2-KomponentZ. Take one…)

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