The Chris Low Obscure Punk Tape Post…

The Apostles / Primal Chaos / Black Flag / The Heretics

Man about town, obscure punk enthusiast and general good guy, Chris Low late of Political Asylum, The Apostles, Oi Polloi, in the 1980’s and The Parkinsons in 1990’s, handed this tape to me on his birthday along with a load of others. I have uploaded this late because it is unfortunately been dubbed / copied onto tape by horrid mono means, i.e it only comes out of one speaker…bummer! Two other tapes Conflict at Brixton Ace 1982 supplied by Mark ‘Vegas’ Palmer starts off stereo then clicks into mono. Sadly to say Lugworm supplied a cassette tape recorded from Spaceward Studios of The Mobs LP recorded there. Not interested in The Mob LP as such but there is an alternative mix of ‘Stay’ which I was absolutely interested in. This track also plays on one speaker. Point of fact – nothing wrong with my cassette playback system!

Any how, I do not like putting up faulty or mono cassettes onto this site, but this has to be an exception because of the rarity value. The Apostles, Primal Chaos, Black Flag, and The Heretics all for the price of…well nothing. Not sure of the history of the tape, no doubt Chris will comment on it. Not sure of the line up, track listing or anything else. Again I hope Chris or his chum Nic will comment. On the B-Side of the tape is a Flux live gig and a Napalm Death practice. All I the info I got what was written on the tape itself, just band names basically. I actually have not heard this tape yet cos wifey needed me to do something so I just let it play…hope Bucks Fizz does not come on half way through the recordings!

Info from Nic:

The Apostles:
Pete The Plectrum (later formed part of ‘The Hunt’ on the first LP)
Some Men Are Born To Rule (the first song the group ever wrote)
? (This isn’t from this time period if I remember correctly – it features the drum machine: is it ‘The Island’, Chris?)
Solidaridad Proletaria (This is the original title at the time of recording: it was later changed to ‘A New World In Our Hearts’ and was re-recorded on both tape and vinyl)
Killing for Peace
Proletarian Autonomy (later re-recorded on tape and vinyl)
Time Bomb
Stoke Newington 8 (later re-recorded on tape and vinyl)

Primal Chaos – Rehearsal 1982:
Systems Slave (This isn’t part of their ‘Fighting for a Future’ rehearsal tape)

Black Flag – Rehearsal 1981:
The Master Race   (Earliest version of this song that I heard)
Waiting for the All Clear (later recorded by The Apostles, but this version features Matt Mcleod on vocals

The Heretics – Rehearsal 1980:
No Character

Jake from Heretics on stage with Iggs of Crass 1979

The Heretics

  1. Stewart
    June 28, 2008 at 3:44 pm

    Baron – I have the Streets compilation. There’s a track on it called Talk Talk Talk Talk by The Reaction if that’s what you mean? Haven’t played it in 30 years, so it’s probably crap – but no accounting for taste, eh? (*winks*). I’m happy to email it to you if you’d like me to?
    Funnily enough, partly because of this site I’ve been replacing a few singles that I had stolen and meant a lot to me emotionally – they cost a fucking fortune now!!!! On the other hand, what I’ve got left is worth quite a lot – did you know they flog Cyanide’s ‘Mac the Flash’ for £60!!!! Mine’s in mint condition cos I thought it was shit when I bought it and never played it again… so might flog that off to pay for other stuff

  2. Stewart
    June 28, 2008 at 3:53 pm

    ALSO – whenever I put an internet link in here I get marked as spam, but if you look up a site called Gemm dot com they’re flogging the original vinyl album for 20 quid (!!!!) or there’s lots of ATV stuff on CD everywhere – even Amazon! 🙂

  3. baron von zubb
    baron von zubb
    June 29, 2008 at 11:52 am

    Dont think Porks a time waster, though he does, bless him , seem to have taken on the post as the heretics manager.He’s doing stirling work with ‘the book’ as we speak.
    Pork if you do a few designs ive got a mate who can get good quality organic(!!) cotton t shirts, I think with ones own designs on them.I’ll put a few quid in & get say 20. And we can flog ’em down here on the s coast. Or give them out to whoever wants them, whatever.
    Cheers for moosik info Stew. Yeah mail me that track, then I can wonder what I saw in it..I’ll chase ATV.
    Models anyone?

  4. Penguin
    Penguin • Post Author •
    June 29, 2008 at 3:49 pm

    Yeah Baron, Porks a decent chap, the timewasters bit is what I always see around on adverts so thought I would use it 😉

  5. Jah Pork Pie
    Jah Pork Pie
    June 29, 2008 at 6:21 pm

    @Graham-> That had me choking with laughter mate. Top banana!

    @Pengy-> if you can send me the Heretics JPEGs and the TG with the quotes, I’ll fit a bit in between book chapters. Cheers fella.

  6. Jah Pork Pie
    Jah Pork Pie
    July 1, 2008 at 2:22 pm

    Can anyone remind me how much dole money was in 1979/80, for research purposes? I have it in my mind that it was under a tenner a week for me (I was 16 in 79) but would like some other thoughts.

    Also, while researching a bit, I found the following on one of those kiddies’ “plagiarise your GCSE essay” sites. Fucking fantastic… I wonder if someone our age has posted it for a giggle?

    “The Eighties were a time of great change in all aspects of society. It was a time of money, confidence and greed. The Government had changed in 1976 to the Conservative Party led by Margaret Thatcher, the first woman Prime Minister this country had ever had, and her style of leadership left its mark upon society for a long time. It was a time of economic growth thanks to a stable economy and everyone was encouraged to ‘own’ something, houses, cars, invested income. This had an effect on all areas of society right down to the youth of the time. Where the Punk movement in the Seventies had been a reaction against the unemployment situation, young people in the 1980s were put on Youth Employment schemes which were run by the Government. This meant that the unemployment figures were considerably reduced and there was much less opportunity for the youth of the time to protest. Whilst this seemed like a good idea, for some people it was not popular and was phased out quickly. However it did leave an impression upon many young people, that there was more to life than a Government pay cheque (dole money) and in the increasingly stable economy, it was a good opportunity for the business minded people to start to make money. Everyone was buying or selling something and making more money, in some cases, more than they had ever dreamed possible. Young men and women left school at sixteen or eighteen and went into business and became millionaires by the time they were twenty. Margaret Thatcher encouraged this idea for the individual to take control. The Eighties were becoming a time of excess, fast cars, fast money and everyone trying to get as much as they could for themselves. This confident attitude extended beyond the business world and in 1982 England was involved in the first major conflict with another country for forty years.”

    Or was I so out of it that I made my millions and then blew them before waking up in 1990? And as for the “first major conflict in 40 years” bit, what happened to Korea and Suez? Did I miss a meeting?

  7. phil
    July 1, 2008 at 3:51 pm

    I know i was getting no more than £15 a week in 79, but cant remember the exact amount

  8. Nic
    July 1, 2008 at 4:16 pm

    Coventry punk band Squad released a single called ‘£8 a Week’ in 1978 which was about their dole money…

  9. Jah Pork Pie
    Jah Pork Pie
    July 1, 2008 at 5:50 pm

    Cheers guys, that’s what I needed. I guess it worked out about 5 or 6 speckled blues a day really. As much as any of us needed at the time, I’m sure!

  10. Phil
    July 1, 2008 at 6:17 pm

    Oh yeah, it would of been £15 a giro which had to last two weeks!
    I remember midweek gigs at the Music Machine were either free or 20p or 10p!

  11. Jah Pork Pie
    Jah Pork Pie
    July 2, 2008 at 1:14 am

    Yeah, I remember those too: there was a guy called Freddie who worked in the hairdresser’s near my mum, and he used to do me flat-tops free of charge cos of my afro hair. He used to get free tickets for the Machine. Got to see Classix Nouveau free, after a damn good free haircut. Result!

    Remember the bouncers at the Machine though? Fearsome people. One of them used to offer anyone caught misbehaving the choice of “chain or glove?” – he had a black leather glove on one hand and a bike chain in the other. Wasn’t much of a choice by all accounts. I’m glad I never upset him!

    BTW, just thinking of the Music Machine – does anyone remember a house of punks from Liverpool just back towards Euston from the Machine? There were a load of punk girls in there and one slightly older hippyish dope-smoker bloke. One of the girls took a shine to me while I was rather depressed in there one night and I ended up going back there but I can’t remember names or anything much else.

  12. Stewart
    July 2, 2008 at 10:58 am

    Re the GCSE essay site: I have a horrible feeling that the author is not being ironic…

    Was it the Music Machine they made you take the laces out of your boots at gigs?!?! And if you wore steel toe-caps they made you take your boots off completely!

  13. Mike
    July 2, 2008 at 11:42 am

    Pork:funnily enough I have a couple of those Music Machine tickets on my wall still,it was Free if you had one,open 8-2am.Those bouncers were nasty,mainly middle-aged Irish blokes.I remember being stood opposite with Jerry/Thing and some of his Thornton Heath mates one night debating whether to go in or not and a couple of the bouncers decided to cross the road after us.There was a way in through one of the back windows which a punk called Mark from Brixton showed me;he’d stood looking in the night the bouncers took a kid in the back room and beat him to death. I think it was the Lyceum that made you take your laces out,they also took bullet/ studded belts off people,which meant a free-for-all at the end.Lyceum bouncers wore dicky-bows if I remember but,again,were mainly psychos!

  14. Penguin
    Penguin • Post Author •
    August 27, 2008 at 11:33 pm

    Gone a bit quiet here then? Only 640 comments very disappointing!

  15. rich kid
    rich kid
    September 21, 2008 at 5:28 pm

    Lookin’ at the H band pics again . .
    Jesus i was a such a poseur. Still at least i did walk around outside like that..
    Anyway if anyones still goes here after the long lapse, I’ve just contacted Gretchin(ex G F of ‘wankstain’ )and will see her in a couple of days.
    Time flies I aint seen her in 7 years.B4 that 12 or more.She laughed alot and sounded great.
    Anyone whose email i’ve got I’ll mail you with more news after i’ve seen her.
    And you should all be checkin out ‘the heathen’ by The Pack. Still sounds so good.
    Cheers 4 that pups
    Aye oop

  16. Jah Pork Pie
    Jah Pork Pie
    September 21, 2008 at 6:04 pm

    Good to hear that Gretch is laughing and taking visitors these days. Send her my love and do remind her of the Night of the Flying whassname for me, eh?

    KYPP Scoreboard… Chalk one up for the living!

  17. Penguin
    Penguin • Post Author •
    September 21, 2008 at 6:13 pm

    Good to have you both onboard again.

  18. Sam
    September 22, 2008 at 9:18 pm

    Blimey. Say hello from me and tell her I think of her and Anna a lot.


  19. rich kid
    rich kid
    September 23, 2008 at 7:45 am

    eh sam u never did mail me….so you old bastard, thought you’d gone off into dixie heaven.
    This thread and the way everyone has been on it, is the main reason why im going over there. Lets hope shes not even more of a luddite than some of us others.
    But blimey indeed.
    Another reason Chris, is that I saw Caroline Walton after 25 years,(she said hello – described you as an ‘anarcho’ for your sins – shes still a mate of a mate), and it was a really good afternoon.
    Strange that, and this IS sentimental middle aged sounding guff, even after such a long time there seemed to be a connection there.
    Da Da tavarich

  20. Sam
    September 23, 2008 at 8:38 pm

    Sorry not to write Jake. Life gets in the way sometimes but that’s all it is. We’ve been playing a lot of music this summer and the band’s going well. Off to Nashville this weekend so I’ll check in on the visit when I get back. I know what you mean about old connections like that. I think we all lived through something quite traumatic. Most people wouldn’t understand the depth of that.


  21. rich kid
    rich kid
    September 24, 2008 at 9:07 am

    no worries im just winding you up.This shouldnt be getting in the way of life.Hope the bands all good.
    So,saw gretchin yesterday in her welsh cottage (im in wales sitting Tony B’s kid – my ‘godson’ – Sid whilst his mum and dad are in BKK buying stock for there shop. Nice spot 2 miles from her mums, just near the shropshire border. Been there for 6 years or so.
    Shes good. I think shes had a tough time since we knew her but has come through it and is laughing & being positive(but not the dreaded lurgy positive). Has two lovely little girls, 9 & 6,a veg patch & stunning views of the forests & hills. When we saw her, like 7 years ago; she was still with the dad but it wasnt good for her(Kay & me could see she wasnt Ok) so she upped & went.
    Good on ‘er.Shes in a new -& good- relationship now.
    No comp, so couldnt get her on here but has the library near..Not suprisingly, she knows not how fab KYPP threads can be, shes a bit reticent. I’ll hassle her for a contribution in a week or so. I mentioned a reunion – when ever – & she sort of balked. But once shes been on here a bit that may change. Erm, pork she couldnt remember the night of the wasname. But she says hello to all.
    Morocan Mark; they still talk every month or so. He lives in spain, is an on & off fitness trainer and keeps having affairs with young things that ‘are no good for him’ she reports him as saying. Time flies, so all that about me not wanting to see him ‘cos his jail thing was too recent was a bit out of date. He came outa there 8 or more years ago.Apparently hes dealt with it well.
    I’ve got his no & can mail it to those who want it. I think Mr Tony was up for that, so Mr Samual send him a mail?
    Anna; Lives in Spain with partner. Shes a chef. Used to run a cafe/bistro in Portabello. Now chefs in Spain. Gretchin said shes having some health probs a t m but is ok.
    So there ya go
    Heretics gossip thread never ends.
    Now we need Mitch, Ruth and the rest
    over n out.

  22. Jah Pork Pie
    Jah Pork Pie
    September 24, 2008 at 11:37 am

    Top banana mate! Good to hear another among us that it’s worked out well for. Gretch had, and presumably has, a proper room-lighter of a smile – so I’m glad that it’s getting an airing more these days. And, her having 2 young kids now, I can’t help but think that her grandchildren are going to have the very coolest stories told to them when she’s sitting there in the rocking chair in the 2040s. Those tales will knock the Hovis advert stuff into a cocked hat, fer sure!

    Gretch (or rather her Bohemian mum in her place in Brixton [I think]) introduced me to cinnamon toast – quite the best thing you can do with bread, smelly brown powder and half an ounce of sugar that has ever been invented (though of course I’m forgetting that there’s Johnny Thunders’ Chunky Heroin and Molasses Brioche from his early years as a TV chef). And camomile tea, which I now get through gallons of as I don’t do coffee any more and I’ve never been able to tolerate the smell of the great British Cuppa (too many aunties wanting to kiss the cherubic 4-year-old Pork on the cheek and giving me an inescapable noseful of the concentrated bouquet of PG Tips and sterilised milk. Though for some strange reason I was never put off of the ciggies even though the aunties all smoked spectacular numbers of Capstan Full Strengths – perhaps enough nicotine had soaked into their mouths that every breath had the possibility of hooking another young smoking prospect each time they went for the kiddies’ cheeks?)… Gretch’s mum offered me a cup of camomile tea and I gave her a look like she’d just shit under me Christmas tree. She persevered and poured me a cup anyway, and as they say the rest is Herstory. Gawd luv ‘er!

    I think one of us should pop onto Alanis Morrissette’s website and leave her a short message, because Wang Tse Ain (a man whose complexion and aversion to natural light made Dave Vanian look like David Dickinson, and indeed a man famously proud of having arms built ‘like matchsticks with the wood scraped off’) living in Spain and becoming a fitness instructor is just about the most ironic thing since my ex-landlady won the South London Slimmer Of The Year many moons ago, spent the next 6 months taking the piss out of all her mates for still being fat (including my ex-missus) and was then diagnosed with cervical cancer, which went some way to explaining her sudden weight loss while still eating and drinking like a cross between a stoned rhino and a Mark II Cortina. Now THAT was ironic, not fucking “rain on your wedding day”, Alanis!

    I remember Wank being of the asexual persuasion for quite a while (N of the FC excepted) and when the subject of sex came up (fnaar) in conversation he (once literally) pulled out that quote from ‘The Boy Looked At Johnny’ that went “What’s the point in sex? It’s just spunk running down some bird’s leg innit?” so perhaps it’s life restoring its balance that he’s now “apricots deep in kipper valley” (that phrase is copyright Loaded magazine, 1997) at every opportunity. Or perhaps he’s still politically active and is trying to spark the revolution by bringing down the Catholic Church but this time he’s doing it insidiously by corrupting the barely legal senoritas before the nuns get in there (insert fnaar as appropriate). I feel he should be careful though – as the country may well be ripe for another outbreak of the Spanish Civil Warts, and that kind of thing can can make the Anarchist Picnic look like a picnic, I’m told. Joking aside, a top man in every respect. Wish him all the best and pass on my email, will ya?

    I always thought that Anna was a great deal more sensible than the rest of us, and tolerated our little excesses with perhaps the love of an older fox cub for its newer and cheekier siblings. It doesn’t surprise me that she’s doing well! Tell Gretch to pass on my best to her, eh?

    Enjoy the Welsh hospitality, fella.

  23. Sam
    September 24, 2008 at 4:22 pm

    Glad to hear she’s doing well. If she ‘balked’ at the idea it’s probably best left alone. It’s admirable that she doesn’t own a pc. Wonder what her and Anna look like now? I wonder what Mr Salteil looks like too………….eh?

  24. rich kid
    rich kid
    September 25, 2008 at 2:10 pm

    Pork gluggin’ gallons of camomile tea is ironic.
    Aint got his mail. But do have his phone no. You can get in contact with him direct if u want.
    Gretch balked, well just ‘cos its a bit overwhelming. We’ve all come round to the idea slowly. And we’ve been doing this so were half way there. I’ll hassle her to come here to get re acquainted, then if thats no good I’ll kidnap her kids & only return them at the reunion.
    She is – as is I and as you’d expect a
    wee bit more rotund. Other than that same same.
    Anna no idea
    Moi? Alright alright I’ll post a photo i aint proud. Have
    to wait till I get back in a couple of weeks. I had a goatee for a
    bit a few years ago

    Might be the last time
    I had pics taken. I aint posting them…
    Wait i got an idea….

    there ya go.

  25. rich kid
    rich kid
    September 25, 2008 at 2:21 pm

    dunno why thats gone wrong, usually ok.You’ll have to wait then . . .
    or just go on my facebook site to see ’em.Thats where they’re from, courtesy of me niece.

  26. gerard
    September 25, 2008 at 4:35 pm

    I’m afraid you can’t post photos in the comments section as this is a blog – normally it’s forums where you can do that. Sorry.

  27. rich kid
    rich kid
    September 25, 2008 at 7:18 pm

    No im a luddite, dont know the difference between the two.

  28. Sam
    September 25, 2008 at 8:27 pm

    Fantastic! Not how I envisaged you at all. Cheers! More please.


  29. Jah Pork Pie
    Jah Pork Pie
    September 26, 2008 at 1:11 pm

    Blimey! Though, now I think about it, it’s Obvious 🙂

  30. baron von zubb
    baron von zubb
    September 26, 2008 at 6:05 pm

    peng thats great, cheers. but theres another one with a babe. . .? And i got wellies on !

    what DO you mean , ‘Blimey’, and not how you envisaged me?
    Please ‘erm, clarify.
    Was it like ‘thin n wasted’ , or ‘bald n bearded’?
    All me dreads got lost along the way. Unfortunatly no pics from that time.

    I aint realy changed at all . . .

    (or so Caroline W said the other day.Maybe she was just being civil.)

    Bloody cheek!

    I’ll dig out some more.

  31. baron von zubb
    baron von zubb
    September 26, 2008 at 7:17 pm

    And gents do i really not carry off the middle aged jewbouy look rather well?
    Maybe a wig then perhaps?
    And do I not look like my favorite music really is ‘the africa brass section’?
    No ? oh well

  32. Sam
    September 26, 2008 at 9:06 pm

    Nothing bad…just different. I imagined you the same physique as you were pretty much – just balder and more leathery in that older yid kid way. But you ‘bulled out’ didn’t you? This is not bad either…it’s the more mature gentleman coming into his prime. You have suffered the ravages of time well my friend. Let’s see some more.


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