Anarchy Centre in Wapping remembered

Just found this review  of tape on site called AL Puppy V/A“In the Old Days! 1980–1982” Cassette (Distributed by BBP) by Mike Clarke As naive constructs go, anarchopunk probably takes the biscuit. Built on the idealistic shipwreck of original punk ethics (themselves largely mythical and half-baked), hindsight has it that Crass and their […]

Roseberry Avenue Autonomy Centre Remember 1984? George Orwell’s book that is. Winston Smith had the job of re-writing history, to erase any and all aspects of the past which didn’t agree with the Ingsoc Party line… Well its 1984 (again) time folks. The nice Wikipaedia people are about to erase a part our collective history. They reckon if […]