Gary Critchley – Raised In A Prison

This is to flag up the case of Gary Critchley who is still in prison for an alleged murder at Campbell Buildings in 1980 – see recent posts on Bob Short’s Trash Can book thread for more details and also the official website and also this website.

The challenge is to get this miscarriage of justice overturned.

But how? I suggest it needs a twin track approach

Firstly to raise the public profile (as Jock has suggested) via myspace / facebook / blog sites like KYPP – for example by putting a slide show of Gary’s paintings plus a relevant soundtrack eg Raised in a Prison by the Mob on youtube or organising a UK exhibition of Gary’s paintings…

Secondly using official channels eg letters to your MP and the Rt Hon Alan Johnson MP
Home Secretary 2 Marsham Street London SW1P 4DF.

Gary is also being supported by Wendy Thurley and Julie Coimbra.

Julie and Wendy are librarians in Cambridge and contacted KYPP about the case.

Julie said [edited]:

“Myself and another librarian have become involved in trying to publicize this extraordinary miscarriage of justice. We happened to purchase some of Gary’s paintings and began corresponding with him without ever asking why he was inside. When the Private Eye article came out in July we were flabbergasted to say the least and began our campaign. Fifty of his paintings were sent to Adelaide and were in a recent exhibition there. Prior to posting them we photographed them all and have made them into cards to sell, 12 are at present on the website.

If you have ANY INFORMATION WHATSOEVER that could be helpful could you let us know and we can pass it on to Glyn Maddocks, the solicitor who has taken up his case. Anyone who can provide ANY INFORMATION should be encouraged to contact us as soon as possible”.

Julie and Wendy have created the website from which the following bio of Gary is taken.

Finally – don’t wait for someone else to act. If you think this is important get on and do it yourself.

Biography- Gary Critchley “Raised In A Prison”.

“England is a supposed model of democracy and justice, yet ironically I have so far been made to serve longer for being rebellious and non-conformist than the Yorkshire Ripper has for 13 serial Killings. Nowadays, painting is the only thing that keeps me alive.“

Gary Critchley

Born in Birmingham and raised on an estate that bordered on two mental hospitals, visiting and often staying with his elder brother in care homes and approved schools,

Gary was introduced to institutions at a very early age. At 8 years old he got drunk on alcohol and by the age of 12 he was drinking on a regular basis. Aged 14, Gary became a punk rocker, was recruited to the Young Socialist party and excluded from school for leading ‘pupil-power’ marches and picketing the school. Also aged 14 Gary was sent to juvenile detention centre for criminal damage and theft. During his time there he was physically and mentally abused and he describes this as a very negative period of his life.

Upon release he quickly deteriorated, abusing various drugs and becoming involved with crime. In 1980, six months after being released from borstal, he moved to live in London. In June of that year he was discovered severely injured four stories below the flat he was squatting [in Campbell Buildings] and was taken to hospital with a broken back, arm, legs and head injuries. When police investigated the circumstances, they found the body of another man in Gary’s squat. Charged and bailed for this man’s murder, Gary returned to Birmingham where even on crutches he continued his life of punk rock gigs and substance abuse.

In May 1981, he was found guilty of murder (despite numerous forensic discrepancies) and sentenced to be ‘detained at Her Majesty’s Pleasure’, the juvenile equivalent of a life sentence. The then Lord Chief Justice recommended that he should serve ‘no more that 8-9 years’. Despite this it was a full 20 years before Gary was first released in July 2000.

Gary was recalled to prison three months later for having sexual relationships with two female peers at his rehab unit and running away with one of them. After another three years in prison for these breaches of his license conditions, he was again released in 2003 to another drink /drug rehab centre. Twelve months later in 2004 he was again recalled to prison for missing a probation appointment. He’s still there.

Over the last five years in prison, Gary has suffered from severe depression and made three serious attempts to take his own life. After the second attempt, Gary was introduced to drawing and painting for the first time in and has since become a prolific painter. He has won a Koestler award for one of his paintings and has been both encouraged and inspired to paint by the staff of a Cambridge University library that have bought and exhibited several of his early works and sponsor him with materials etc.

Despite unanimous recommendations of release and the parole board agreeing that he does not constitute a risk to the public, Gary was recently refused parole on the grounds that if he was ever to relapse into drink /drug use there was a “possibility” that he “could” re-offend violently. This was despite all professional opinion and the masses of evidence to the contrary where Gary has been in active addiction without any such incident.

This ruling is currently the subject of a judicial review, being in breach of not only the Human Rights Act but also several judicial rulings regarding Lifers. There are also investigations still going on into the events surrounding the index offence, of which Gary to this day has no memory.

Gary describes his on-going imprisonment as “warehousing”. He has now actually served more than three times the recommended sentence. He maintains that he never murdered anyone, never intended to hurt anyone and has never before or indeed since the age of 17 been involved in any violence. He says he is now semi-institutionalised and a true product of the system. No longer jailed in relation to the original offence, he has become somewhat of a political prisoner: being punished over and over by a retributive system for his years of rebellion and breaches of petty rules.

Gary on right with green jacket and blond spikes 1979/80 – photo courtesy of Carol Coombes.

Some of Gary’s prison artwork may be viewed HERE

Template for contacting MP’s and other officials or media. Please cut and paste the document below onto a word document and print it out to send by post or fax.

Dear …………………..,

I am contacting you regarding Gary Critchley, prisoner no B39969 (A1473AK), convicted of murder in 1981.

The Judge at the time recommended he serve no more than 9/10 years.

This is now his 30th year of incarceration. The conviction is unsafe and according to his solicitor one of the worst miscarriages of justice Britain has ever seen.

Briefly the case is as follows, however please read the Private Eye article


for full details.

Gary allegedly killed a man in 1980. During this murder he sustained frontal lobe damage to his brain, by being hit with a hammer. He also broke his back, ankle and wrist and was found in the street covered in blood.

The victim sustained more than 20 blows with a hammer.

The blood on Gary was found to be from his injuries and there was not one speck of the victim’s blood on him.

The victim was discovered in a room on the upper floor in the building, Gary was found outside on the pavement.

The only evidence to link Gary to the crime was a trainer, two or three sizes too small for him, on his left foot. On his right foot was his own boot which fitted him.

Gary apparently killed the victim, avoiding any blood, changed one shoe, hit himself on the head with the hammer, and then jumped out of the window.

The truth indicates that both Gary and the victim were attacked by a third party, who remains at liberty.

I feel that this really is a grave miscarriage of justice.

Unfortunately, this is not a high profile case, merely the case of an ordinary citizen who was in the wrong place at the wrong time. A person who nearly lost his life, but who ended up in prison himself, for something the forensic evidence suggests that he didn’t commit.

I am asking you to look into this, because I know if you do, you will want to take it further.

……………………………………………… Signature.

  1. Sharon Maher
    Sharon Maher
    April 17, 2010 at 9:56 pm

    We have the Hare and Hounds in Birmingham for free, for three benefit gigs for Gary……GBH, Drongos for Europe, and Cracked Actors have agreed to play for free…..Many thanks to them, and many thanks to Adam, at the Hare and Hounds who did not hesitate in saying yes to all my requests………We need full houses at all three gigs to raise cash for Gary’s fighting fund. looking at around August I think!……Watch this space!

  2. Penguin
    April 18, 2010 at 9:36 am

    Below is the approved template that you could copy and paste onto a word document and send out to interested parties and MPs etc.

    Dear …………………,

    I am contacting you regarding Gary Critchley, prisoner no B39969 (A1473AK), convicted of murder in 1981.

    The Judge at the time recommended he serve no more than 9/10 years.

    This is now his 30th year of incarceration. The conviction is unsafe and according to his solicitor one of the worst miscarriages of justice Britain has ever seen (

    Briefly the case is as follows, however please read the above article for full details.

    Gary allegedly killed a man in 1980. During this murder he sustained frontal lobe damage to his brain, by being hit with a hammer. He also broke his back, ankle and wrist and was found in the street covered in blood.

    The victim sustained more than 20 blows with a hammer.

    The blood on Gary was found to be from his injuries and there was not one speck of the victim’s blood on him.

    The victim was discovered in a room on the upper floor in the building, Gary was found outside on the pavement.

    The only evidence to link Gary to the crime was a trainer, two or three sizes too small for him, on his left foot. On his right foot was his own boot which fitted him.

    Gary apparently killed the victim, avoiding any blood, changed one shoe, hit himself on the head with the hammer, and then jumped out of the window.

    The truth indicates that both Gary and the victim were attacked by a third party, who remains at liberty.

    I feel that this really is a grave miscarriage of justice.

    Unfortunately, this is not a high profile case, merely the case of an ordinary citizen who was in the wrong place at the wrong time. A person who nearly lost his life, but who ended up in prison himself, for something the forensic evidence suggests that he didn’t commit.

    I am asking you to look into this, because I know if you do, you will want to take it further.

    ……………………….. Signature.

  3. Carol C
    Carol C
    April 18, 2010 at 4:56 pm

    here is a great mail/ letter from Pauline Madden. This could be used quickly by all too: please amend as you wish and send- THE MORE THE BETTER, to every newspaper editor and news editor (radio/ tv etc) – please add in detals of any other editors/ media people who’ve been contacted so we can make as many people aware as is poss.


    For the attention of: Justice on Trial – Investigation Team
    Subject: Gary Critchley – A Miscarriage of Justice

    Dear Sir,
    Please may I draw your attention to the case of Gary Critchley, in the sincere hope and expectation that you will look into his case as part of your ongoing investigation: Justice on Trial.

    Gary Critchley was convicted in 1981, when he was 17 years of age, on what appears to be an unsafe conviction. He is still imprisoned today.
    I have included, for your reference, a link to a recent article from Private Eye Magazine (first published in July 2009), which summarises the events of Gary’s arrest and conviction.

    Gary was convicted of murder in 1981.
    The Judge at his original trial recommended that he serve no more than 9 years.
    Gary has been in custody for thirty years.
    There are a number of factors that appear to make the original conviction unsafe:
    • Errors in the handling and processing of material evidence
    • Flaws in circumstantial evidence
    • Failure to include evidence that may have been used in his defence
    • Errors in documentary, and in documenting, evidence
    • Discrepancies in the statements of prosecution witnesses
    This is unfortunately neither an exhaustive, nor a comprehensive, list.
    According to the article published by Private Eye, Gary Critchley’s case is “…one of the worst miscarriages of justice Britain has ever seen”.

    Gary was convicted of murder in 1981. He was charged, tried and convicted of the murder after it was alleged that he had fatally attacked the victim with a hammer. (Please may I refer you to the linked Private Eye article, which sets out the circumstances surrounding the alleged fatal attack?)
    In the early hours of Saturday 28th June 1980, Gary had been found lying seriously injured, and covered in blood, on the pavement outside his squat. He had sustained serious injury, including frontal lobe damage to his brain (caused by hammer blows to his head), a broken back, arm, and ankle. Analysis of his blood at the time indicated the presence of alcohol and sleeping tablets.
    The murder victim was found in an upper-floor room of the same squat building.
    Circumstantial evidence, and physical forensic evidence obtained at the time, suggested that both Gary, and the victim, were attacked by a third party.
    Analysis of the blood found on Gary proved that it had come from his injuries exclusively.
    None of the victim’s blood was found on Gary.

    The evidence that was used to link Gary to the crime scene consisted of an un-tied training shoe, found on his left foot when was discovered lying in the street. The Prosecution alleged that prints matching the training shoe were found at the crime scene. This training shoe was two to three sizes too small for him, and was not in accordance with his usual type of footwear. He was found wearing a black, laced-up work boot on his right foot (this fitted him correctly and was identified as being his usual footwear).
    The case for the prosecution suggested the following improbable sequence of events: That Gary had attacked the victim, changed one of his shoes, self-inflicted a serious head-wound with the hammer (a wound of sufficient severity to cause brain damage) and jumped from the upper floor window of the squat.
    Witness statements for the prosecution were contradictory, inconsistent and contained discrepancies. Statements given to police by the other squatters had initially said that two to three hours after Gary and the victim had been seen entering the squat, three men had arrived in a car. At least one witness described two of the men going upstairs to the squat, while one man kept watch downstairs. This account was subsequently changed when presented as prosecution evidence in court. The defence counsel failed to challenge the witnesses about the discrepancies between their statements and the evidence given in court and relied upon by the prosecution.
    In the 30 years since his conviction, Gary has twice been released on licence, and subsequently recalled. He was recalled, following his initial release, after he was alleged to have had a relationship (in contravention to his conditions of licence) and had absconded from a rehabilitation unit. He was recalled following his second release when he failed to attend an appointment with his probation officer. Though Gary had technically contravened his licencing conditions on both occasions, it seems like a rather hard and disproportionately punitive response to recall him to prison, considering the relatively minor nature of his non-compliance , the amount of time he had spent in custody and the fact that he wasn’t considered to be a risk to the community.
    I am deeply concerned that Gary Critchley has been the victim of a grave miscarriage of justice.
    I feel that he has been let-down and badly-served on many levels, and by many agencies from which he had the fundamental right to expect recourse.
    I would be so grateful if you could look into this as a matter of urgency. It’s really difficult for me to understand how this could have happened in a civilized democracy: it’s just so fundamentally at odds with what I would expect from a humane society and from our judicial system.

    Gary’s details are as follows:
    Gary Critchley – Prisoner number: B39969 (A1473AK)
    Rowan House
    NR10- 5RH

    Many thanks for your time and for your consideration,

  4. Pauline Madden
    Pauline Madden
    April 19, 2010 at 3:45 am

    I emailed it, with a list of signaturies to :
    Have a look: they have had a hand in addressing/raising the profile of many serious miscarriages of justice.
    It would be good if we can get their attention by maybe a lot of people sending something similar, or just flagging up your concerns and Gary’s name to them. If his name crops up repeatedly in correspondence to them, we can maybe raise his profile and hopefully use their considerable resources.
    Love and best wishes, Pauline xxx

  5. Pauline Madden
    Pauline Madden
    April 19, 2010 at 3:46 am

    LOL, I write MASSIVE letters xxx

  6. jock
    April 19, 2010 at 8:52 am

    great work pauline,i have also emailed the guardian.
    eveyone else please do to,lets hope it starts the ball rolling until its unstoppable.

  7. Nick Hydra
    Nick Hydra
    April 19, 2010 at 10:00 am

    I have emailed my MP today, and sent a link to this page to everyone I know, asking them to do the same.

    Further up this page it says that people were trying to get him a CD player. Has this been done? If not, what kind of thing are we talking about – a ghetto blaster type or something more hi-tech?

    Would I be able to order it online to be sent direct to him, or would it have to go to someone who would then take it when they visit?

    If it has already been bought, does he have a list of CD’s he wants? Maybe set something up on Amazon or similar? Again, can these be sent direct or does it have to go via a 3rd party?

  8. Carol C
    Carol C
    April 19, 2010 at 10:12 am

    Gary’s putting together a list of cds he’d really like, and as I understand it, we have to send them through amazon/HMV wherever- but directly from the suppliers.
    I’ll double check with him this evening if he has a cd player yet- I know there were plans to get him one.

  9. Nick Hydra
    Nick Hydra
    April 19, 2010 at 5:40 pm

    Just read the top of the page re: You tube video with a Mob soundtrack.

    I can do this really easily, and have started putting one together with the pics that are on this page. But only 4 pix is not going to make it very interesting

    If any one has got more pics please either put them up here or email them to me:

  10. Nick Hydra
    Nick Hydra
    April 19, 2010 at 5:44 pm

    Just read the top of the page re: You tube video with a Mob soundtrack.

    I can do this really easily, and have started putting one together with the pics that are on this page. But only 4 pix is not going to make it very interesting

    If any one has got more pics please either put them up here or email them to me:

    ARRGH just read it again and found the gallery of stuff at the web site.

    Ignore me, I’m getting old.

    Hope to have something together and online in the next week or so.

  11. alistairliv
    alistairliv • Post Author •
    April 19, 2010 at 5:50 pm

    Don’t worry Nick, I am getting even older (my little/ younger / wee brother will be 50 next week…which is scary!) and the gallery link is not obvious.

    So in case anyone else has missed it, here is a link the gallery section of the Gary Critchley’s website.

  12. Tom D
    Tom D
    April 19, 2010 at 6:03 pm

    Highlighted Gary’s case to the Brits in LA facebook page!/group.php?gid=22215942184&ref=mf

    It has 2300 members, some may be influential in the movie or journalism business, at the very least might get a handful of people to cut & paste the template letter to MP’s and/or The Guardian

  13. alistairliv
    alistairliv • Post Author •
    April 19, 2010 at 6:05 pm

    Also (re-post from other thread) re-Facebook

    There is a discussion section about Gary Critchley (aka Crap?)on the ‘Crown Punks Birmingham’ Facebook page!/topic.php?uid=108486069179177&topic=18

    but a separate page on Facebook would be useful.

    Also if the press/ media do pick up on the story, they will need an easily accessible contact person who can give sound bites, repeat Gary’s story over and over again, be up for interviews etc.
    To be effective we need to be co-ordinated.

  14. Julie
    April 19, 2010 at 6:21 pm

    Cannot agree more regards accessible, well-informed, contact person. Any suggestions or candidates for this role?

  15. gerard
    April 19, 2010 at 7:28 pm

    Personally I’m not convinced of the wisdom of running a miscarriage of justice campaign about a murder from a site called Kill Your Pet Puppy…? I don’t think pillars of society will be overly impressed personally.

    On this note I’d be happy to build a website for the campaign if people want and donate a domain name & hosting. Just let me know. (I built this site BTW)

  16. CC
    April 19, 2010 at 9:23 pm

    I’ve just finished speaking with Gary- he read the site today (he’s allowed to read it but not add anything, which he said frustrates him but he absolutely sees the need for that ruling)
    He’s particulary touched and grateful for all this support.
    He’s not yet got a cd player, and understands he can have any type as long as it’s not able to access the net; and he believes he can have cds directly from wherever, (inc individuals) as long as they are bought ones (i.e not burnt/home made).

  17. CC (Carol C)
    CC (Carol C)
    April 19, 2010 at 9:35 pm

    Just read through quickly through some of the other messages: Tom- you star. Gerard- what a fantastic offer. You’ll have access to my contact details then, thru this- I imagine we (the Brum Punks) can happily sort the domain site fee out if you can manage the logistics. Could you contact me to let me know how we best sort this, if that’s okay?
    Your title: Gary Critchley- Raised in a Prison- feels to me to be absolutely spot on, and if you have the ability to link that site to this, this avoids losing any of the energy/momentum built up from here, or confusing people, navigation wise, which have been our biggest concerns.
    Gulp- just read the rest- I’m happy (and humbled) for my name to be suggested, and am willing to do it-however, I’m not as accessible as I’d like to be for this. Can we have 2/3 of us who are comfortable with this, and who can speak between ourselves regularly to make sure we’re all on point?
    Some of you clearly have great skills in this- volunteers/ suggestions please? (I know you can’t, Tom, as you’re in the USA)- people based in UK would be easier?

  18. CC (Carol C)
    CC (Carol C)
    April 19, 2010 at 9:39 pm

    aargghh- forgot the most important bit- G. said hello and thankyou to all of us.

  19. gerard
    April 19, 2010 at 10:46 pm

    OK just been liaising with Carol and we’re wondering if anyone has any ideas for a domain name for Gary’s site?

    How about

  20. jock b
    jock b
    April 19, 2010 at 11:09 pm sounds just fine. straight and to the point. some wonderful stuff going on here good people. much love. the ball is definitely rolling!

  21. Sharon Maher
    Sharon Maher
    April 19, 2010 at 11:59 pm

    Sounds fine to me too! I think Madam Coombes would be ace as our spokesperson………Brilliant!
    Jock b I will be calling you or texting you tomorrow with dates!!!!! Get back to me asap, or I will poke you in the eye with a pencil!!! XXX

  22. Julie
    April 20, 2010 at 12:16 am

    Regards a new site/domain for Gary. I am sure our friend who set up b39969 would hand it over to Gerard, already paid for by Wendy and address already very much visited and recognized? what do you think?

  23. CC (Carol C)
    CC (Carol C)
    April 20, 2010 at 12:21 am

    I’m so thick- I’d thought this (B39969)was part of a linked site- shall we look at what we need the site to do, and which is the best way forward based on that? I’m sure both of you could advise the rest of us/raise the pros and cons so we can chip in.
    my thoughts are that we need a site that’s a one stop shop for the campign itself : linking to all the other sites well, and holding a regualr (as in daily) update of where the campaign is/ what’s happened/ how to become involved etc.

  24. Julie
    April 20, 2010 at 12:31 am

    We need a hero out there who has time to manage the site on a daily basis. Gerard do you have the time? will become a full time job as things heat up……

  25. jock b
    jock b
    April 20, 2010 at 12:53 am

    the idea of one central website is great as its quite difficult to point people to the latest contact details,plans of action,letter templates etc!great stuff.and sharon i look forward to that poke in the eye dear,haha.goodnight everyone.whatever you do please don`t call the new website justice for crap,which was his nickname:)!much love!

  26. Tom D
    Tom D
    April 20, 2010 at 2:03 am

    I’ve already started a Facebook Group page. Might be a good idea to tie the website name to the Facebook page. I had a think about it and decided Gary Critchley Justice Project. My train of thought was quite deliberate in the name, I put Gary’s first and last name in the title as people may want to search for his full name if they are not familiar with his case. Justice appears to be the common goal here, and project seemed less confrontational than movement etc. I think the website is a great idea however I think it’s extremely important to link it with Facebook, there are still a lot of people who cannot search the web or use the internet to it’s full potential, however everyone is on Facebook nowadays. Of course I can put a link to the website on the Facebook group when it’s done. Some uniformity for both the website and Facebook group might be a good idea too.!/group.php?gid=112712122094405

    Just some ideas, whatever you guys decide will be a great step in the right direction

  27. Nick Hydra
    Nick Hydra
    April 20, 2010 at 7:51 am

    OK a CD player is on it’s way from Amazon -should be there in 3-4 days.

    The you tube thing is going to take me slightly longer than I thought – I didn’t realise there was so much artwork to choose from. If I just bung everything in there it won’t go with the song, so I’m in ‘edit’ mode at the moment.

    What would be good is if there are any pictures of Gary as he looks now. there’s a couple of portraits in the photobucket, but I’m not sure if they’re him.

    Anyone got any up to date photos?

    The face book group is a good idea, but we shouldn’t forget there are other forms of communication.

    I checked on the KYPP myspace page and there are 594 friends, who can be contacted in a matter of seconds – I think you send a bulliten to all friends – if all the friends do the same to their friends, that’s a lot of people.

  28. John no last name
    John no last name
    April 20, 2010 at 8:51 am

    Nice one Nick! Oh by the way your CD finally arrived this morning I’ll give it a listen when I get home. Cheers.

  29. Tom D
    Tom D
    April 20, 2010 at 12:02 pm

    Hi Nick,
    Totally agree with you, any and all media should be used. A ‘broadcasting’ approach is the best method. Not sure if there are anymore floating around but there is a 2009 picture of Gary on his FB group page, which I cropped. There’s also a 1980 picture. Both images create quite a powerful before and after ( 30 years) profile.
    Very kind of you on the CD issue.

  30. Sharon Maher
    Sharon Maher
    April 20, 2010 at 11:13 pm

    Message from Gary for Tom! ” Many Thanks…..This is blinding ” He is going to write to you.
    Thanks from me too Tom!
    Thanks for your quick response to my text Jock b…….But I was looking forward to poking you in the eye with a pencil!!!!!!!!!
    Lot’s of love to Madam Coombes!
    To everyone involved in this….Let’s keep the momentum growing till it cannot be ignored! XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

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