Andy T / Annie Anxiety performance
Alternative performance *
Flux Of Pink Indians performance
Indebted to Martin Flux for the lend of this tape and for the photograph of the man himself pounding the skins (drums not skinheads) at the majestic Bowes Lyon House in Stevenage.
Great quality cassettes of this performance way up on top of the British Isles way back in 1983. The only thing I know of Aberdeen is that the football club up there is affiliated to Tottenham Hotspur football club down here in London. Affiliated with hooliganism, not official club business that is, sad but true.
I may well have dozed off a bit at the end of the Alternative and Flux sets so you may well find some ‘dead air’ at the end of these downloads…Still if you wanted professionalism you would have to pay me and the site the going rate for that professionalism! Fill your boots for free and get ‘dead air’. 🙂
Fanzine scan added, just because…
* Just tested the uploads and noticed that the Alternative side of this tape (labelled as the same gig as the rest of the above on the cassette inner sleeve) sounds much more like a studio demo tape than a live gig to my ears…I may be wrong but anyway it’s uploaded now so do not really want to move it off this post at the moment, maybe in the future if Martin can confirm they did not perform at this club in Aberdeen.
* I have now kindly been informed that The Alternative tracks are infact studio tracks by a band called The Dead.
I have now set up a seperate post for these tracks (right above this post) and deleted the link on this post.
who cares
August 20, 2009 at 11:43 pmWow! finally I managed to get one comment through the spamfilter!
The band is NOT The Alternative, it is a demo titled Rest In Peace by the band The Dead
Penguin • Post Author •
August 20, 2009 at 11:57 pmThe tape did actually have The Dead written on that side, but Martins cassette covers are normally spot on so I took no notice.
I only listened to about 30 seconds of this tape as I was knackered when I was uploading it and kept falling asleep…
I will move this The Dead material right now.
Tony Puppy
August 21, 2009 at 8:47 amDead knackered!
November 9, 2009 at 11:01 amthanks a lot for these old memories