Pay To Cum / Attitude / Supertouch / Shitfit / I / I and I Survive
Banned In D.C / Big Takeover / Rally Round Jah Throne / Right Brigade / Riot Squad
Fearless Vampire Killers / The Meek Shall Inherit The Earth / At The Movies / ? / ?
A decent audience recording of this gig on the west coast of America at the old Fillmore building at this point in time called the Elite Club, and run by ‘Rat Music For Rat People’ LP person Paul Rat… Bad Brains were always a massively awesome live experience if you were lucky to catch them in the early to mid 1980’s. The quality of this tape is not as good as the previous C.B.G.B’s recorded Bad Brains post I uploaded on this site several months ago (use search function), but this is still a great sounding gig.
Graham Burnett
June 10, 2008 at 5:46 pmWho did the cover art? Looks like a familiar Marvel or DC comic book artist but I can’t place quite who. I know I’m going to kick myself and go “of course!” when its revealed…
Penguin • Post Author •
June 10, 2008 at 8:35 pmThe picture is from the Bad Brains 12″ ‘Destroy Babylon / I and I Survive’ from 1982 on Bad Brains Records. No mention of artist though, try googling this record something may appear as if by magic.
Graham Burnett
June 11, 2008 at 2:41 amNo luck so far on the Goggle search, but reminds of artwork that used to be in comics like Tales of the Zombie published by marvel… Bet Nic knows… But not that important in the bigger sceme of things, just one of those niggling questions at the back of the brian…
June 11, 2008 at 9:17 amThe art is by Jay Jones, about whom I know nothing…
June 12, 2008 at 9:27 pmHola.
An American friend who was into Bad Brains once sent me a tape on which Bad Brains (I fink) did a live version of Queen’s “We will rock you”. It was SUPERB! Has anyone else heard it & what record was it on?
blair jackson
January 16, 2009 at 6:42 pmanybody know the whereabouts of Paul Rat today? I’m writing a book about the Fillmores and would love to talk to him?
write me at