Bit of an experiment. Here is image of page one of original KYPP 3 interview with Bauhaus from 1980 plus partial transcript since original a bit hard to read. Also review of Telegram Sam.
If it works, will have a go at transcribing other pages from KYPP archives.
Bauhaus/ Telegram Sam
The perfect example of how to make a cover version your own. It screams, shrieks, crawls from the nether regions of your consciousness and scrapes its black varnished nails across your slowly awakening , red sun glossed etc etc.. In other words Bauhaus do it again – not a patch on their live version, but undoubtedly their best single yet. Forget “CBS darlings” Adam and the Plastic replicas, THIS is what Sex people eat between meals. If our 2 page interview doesn’t convince you, listen to this. Inspiring. One to smear your make up to.
They Came from Northampton: Bauhaus in jeans and tennis shoes shock
We went to interview Bauhaus after their recording of a session for Peter Powell early this year [1980] . The interview was something of a washout , not being helped by KYPP mobile recording studio which records and mixes interviews below the ability of the human ear to hear. So hear it is as remembered by our derring do reporter who rung the rags of his flu-wracked brain to remember what questions he asked and what they replied.
Bauhaus spoke to me after a day of unsuccessfully trying to record a session. I must report in accord with KYPP policy of sickening honesty that they did not speak to me from their coffins, nor did they call me from Vienna, they looked pretty ordinary apart from their professionally peculiar guitarist Danny Ashman…
q: What do you see as your main purpose?
A: Well to have fun mainly, of course. To continue our little experiments…
A: The Flat Field is about boredom really.
Q: Terror Couple Kill Colonel might seem to be about the RAF (German variety) especially with the newspaper clippings quoted in it.
A: No, it is about the IRA! Or rather it is about the way newspapers tend to trivialise important subjects and sensationalise unimportant ones. The track [also a single] is a precis of an article about the killing of a British Colonel in Germany by the IRA that had the catchy title of the headline. It was a tiny piece rubbing shoulders and god knows what else with a whole page of assorted trivia. tits and arse.
q: Tell us about your reason for recording Rose Garden Funeral of Sores [Thorns] (B side of latest single).
A: The lyrical content and mood of the John Cale track fits in with the genral diseased scheme of things. Cale’s great.
q: What do you feel about the currently hyped London bands, Spandau and their scene? You did play Billy’s which was part of the scene?
A: If we popularised the scene then it wasn’t by our own design at all. Billy’s was just somewhere to play. We have never associated ourselves within any particular scene . The only affinity we have with any movement, is in the original spirit of punk. .. We don’t feel ourselves to be part of the Blitz scene. That goes for glam rock as well.
q: Could you expand on the subjects mentioned by the group in the KICK interview I.E. ‘Sexual energy is vital’ ‘Primeval magick is not planned’ ?
A: Sexual energy, the electrical energy that sparks, is vital to the group’s approach, especially on stage. It is the energy that runs like an undercurrent through a good performance. If it is not there or if it is weak , then the performance will be weak as well. It needs to be present when recording as well. The primeval magick mentioned is connected with this. It is the spontaneous energy contained in a record or a live gig that makes the thing exciting , special atmosphere is important. The right atmosphere of a venue, studio, audience, climate can promote the magick. It is a question of chemical, electrical interaction, and reaction. It is hard to talk about it has to be sensed. Felt.